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if I had that kind of money... I wouldn't spend it on a suffix... I'd pay of my college debt and get on with my life....

I'd have to agree with you on that. I'd happily pay off my Student Loans and basically just get moving on life.

How about you AB? What would you do with that much?

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I'd have to agree with you on that. I'd happily pay off my Student Loans and basically just get moving on life.

How about you AB? What would you do with that much?

so $185k is approximately £115,000.....


Pay off my remaining loans which won't be much as they both finish next year.

Probably put the most of it towards a new house, somewhere big enough for the family! A big deposit like that will significantly reduce any mortgage we would need, meaning we could afford a decent house without crippling us financially.

See, I think ahead! Boring answer, but thats what i would do!

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Well then at least it was a worth while experience if just for that :)

Also in some good news, the FCC is finally standing up and doing something about all those random extra little charges you see on phone bills and the like. It's a proposal right now, but it's a start at least!


Actually the bill has more to do with someone at the telco surreptitiously having long distance or internet added and less about the additional 6 bucks from local/county/state taxes and UCF fee

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@AB: No thats awesome man. Forget boring, thats smart thinking ;) Better then going out and blowing it on a new car etc.

@Fell: So going to try and stock up for the next generations hearing loss due to all the loud music and ear buds? ;D

**Edit: Blah! Beat me to it XD

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I find that, since iPods and mp3 players started issuing earbuds, people listen to their music too loud... they're (we're) all going to need hearing aides before we're 50... so I'm gonna invest now ;)

Thats actually quite a good idea! Thankfully it won't affect me (Hopefully) as I never listen to anything on headphones apart from the occaisional football match, and even that is on low whilst doing something else!

My hearing is actually top notch, its my eyes that let me down...I now need to wear glasses/contacts all the time since last year :(

Maybe thats why my hearing is so good...compensating?

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My hearing is finicky at times, some times I'll miss what people say (just won't quite hear it) but yet I can pick out little noises from a noisy room or follow a sound very easily. It's hard to describe heh.

By eyes though, well I don't need glasses all the time, just for long distance luckily. And well partially color blind >.>

Not sure how good my sense of Smell is... it's average I guess heh, don't seem to notice anything special.

My sense of Taste is pretty good. I have a decent pallet which helps with cooking but nothing cheif worthy XD

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I like it!! I was about to say something BEFORE you went fishing ;) I wish I had that kind of skill ;)

Heh, I've needed a new one for a while haven't I? >.>

Thank you though :)

Yeah I wish I was that good at this stuff. I've tried to do my own before but this is worlds better then what I've ever come up with. I can only really do pixel art on the comp.

@Ratty: Haha. My mistake,.... ahem...

Ratty your da Rat!

@Fell: Enjoy lunch!

Edited by karn987
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Morning! Barely...

My hearing, and sense of smell are awesome... I've been unable to see without contacts or glasses since middle school.

Heh, same here. Though my wife would argue on the hearing probably.

Now...my sense of humor.... :tongue2:

@ subject of teachers: I think a lot of us forget how many hours teachers put in though. They honestly work a lot more than 40 hours a week, as they spend probably 8 hours a day just at the school alone, but then they still have to grade papers, make lesson plans, etc. during the evenings or weekends. I'm quite certain they still put in just as many hours in a year as any other 40-hour per week worker.

And 45k a year to start? Wow...is cost of living high there? That's pretty high for a teacher, at least based on any of the areas I'm familiar with.

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By the by.... check out the new signature courtesy of Ratty.

Ratty, your the man :)

Love it.....and perfectly puts across the fact you are so whipped!

@Ratty: haha! Of course you're not!

But if you've got Plague... we're gonna have issues ;)

I have dettol handy. And I'm not afraid to use it....

Lunch! (back in a bit!)

Ok, have a good un. May catch you later, if not see you tomorrow!

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