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1. Beer is cheaper by the pint

2. British accents make women more attractive IMO

3. I already speak the native language... mostly

1.  ok, yes probably is..and better.

2.  CERTAIN British accents make women more attractive.  You obviously haven't heard Broad scouse.

3.  Always a plus..just remember to include your 'u's...

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$20 can buy me 18 bottles at the store around the corner, and good quality Domestic at that. 


$20 can buy me 2 bottles at the bar, once you include tip, and even then it may not be good quality Domestic.


That... is... ridiculous. I always thought the British stuff to be abhorrently overcosted.


Komainu and Shikome treads were closed.


To be fair, when the name calling starts, I would lock a thread as well in his place.


Well, except this one of course. Name calling is a requirement here. You dirty Resser.

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1.  ok, yes probably is..and better.

2.  CERTAIN British accents make women more attractive.  You obviously haven't heard Broad scouse.

3.  Always a plus..just remember to include your 'u's...


1. Agreed, much better, not necassarily cheaper. The average Pint costs around £3.50 but in area's like London etc expect to pay about £5-8. 

2. Nothing attractive about the Glaswegian, Brum, Scouse, Manc or Jordie accents! Although I must admit a welsh accent on a woman is always nice, depending on which part of Wales they are from naturally.

3. Amen! Nothin more handy than speaking the language. 

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have been thinking and i am willing to sell off the boxes in bits if enough is sold..I can always put the remainder on here or ebay. Ideally though i prefer to sell in complete crews!


I think PD has dibs on the whole Kirai crew?  It won't be with me until the end of the month anyway.


I know Dirial was interested in punk zombies but may take the full Nicodem one?


Up to date list available:


Kirai (built, not based)

  • Kirai
  • Ikiryo
  • 2 x Onryo
  • 2 x seishen
  • Lost Love


Nicodem (in box)

  • Nicodem
  • Mortimer
  • Vulture
  • 3 x Punk Zombies

Ramos (Built not based)

  • Ramos
  • Joss
  • Howard Langston
  • Brass Arachnid
  • 6 x Steam Arachnids

Rasputina (part built, not based)

  • Rasputina
  • Ice Golem
  • 3 x Ice Gamin
  • Wendigo

Mei feng (in box)

  • Mei Feng
  • Kang
  • 3 x Rail Workers
  • Emberling

Misaki (in box)

  • Misaki
  • Ototo
  • Shang
  • 2 x Torakage

Leveticus (in box)

  • Leveticus
  • Rusty Alyce
  • 4 x Steampunk Abominations
  • 3 x Hollow Waifs


Von Schill (in box)

  • Von Schill
  • Steam Trunk
  • Specialist
  • Trapper
  • Librarian
  • 2 x Freikorpsmann

All in boxes:




Hannah (regular)

Strongarm Suit

Box of Arachnids

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Culturally, it's the Internet Generation. Everything in global society is becoming catered towards instant, custom gratification because of access to information technology. Therefore, when something doesn't live up to your expectations, and you have no say in the matter, instant childish tantrum.

That's my theory anyway: too many children in adult bodies.

See I don't get that. It seems if someone is of an opinion that something isn't good you call them childish? Why are you defensive on Wyrds behalf if they make a product that isn't to everyone's liking? It's not away from you. You can like it, you can express it. So does the other side.

There is seriously some utterly horrible fanboyism going in these forums. Not saying you are one of them. But seriously. One negative word about a render or a product and you are getting crucified by people who have nothing to do with the fucking matter. :D

Sorry. Enough rage.

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There is seriously some utterly horrible fanboyism going in these forums.


*Hides Wyrd memorabilia, flags, t-shirts, Aaron Pin-Ups and  models*


Sorry, what was that. I didn't quite hear you? :D


In all seriousness I love Wyrd, they can do very little wrong in my eyes, sure I don't like all their products and I often express my opinion one way or the other but at the end of the day Wyrd are one of the coolest companies I've come across if for no other reason than the open beta testing and friendly approach they have to their community on these forums. They are a damn sight better than the cash leeches that run GW. I spent years buying into their crap and whilst I enjoyed it at the time these days they just piss me off. Wyrd is definitely not perfect but they are well up there as one of the better miniature companies out there. 

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The problem is less about whining about renders, or defending them. The problem starts when the whining about the renders changes and becomes whining about other people.


Guy In Suit expressed that the opinion of others didn't matter, and Math took offense with that. Further down that road, madness lies. Keep it about the renders, express your taste (or alck thereof), bet let others express theirs, too.

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Sure I get that. But seriously it's every time Wyrd posts/does something and the negative voice arises that people who have absolutely nothing on the matter come running in and defending Wyrd. They don't need that I reckon. They want to hear opinions. Good or bad. When it's bad the goddamn outcry is to silence that with name calling etc to get shit locked down like it's a personal insult to themselves when it's feedback for Wyrd.

It's got nothing to do with do you love the company or not. Or the game. If it's a shit render it's a shit render or a model or a sculpt. Whatever. It does in no way mitigate the big picture.

Blegh. Also CJ you know you're the man. Not mad at you filth bro. :P

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Easier to post negative? Huh?

No. If you have something negative to say you are in your every goddamn right to do so when Wyrd asks it. Ffs.

Not everyone loves every goddamn thing Wyrd does. They are a great company that made an amazing game. But they aren't shitting diamonds here ffs all the time! :D

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*Hides Wyrd memorabilia, flags, t-shirts, Aaron Pin-Ups and  models*


Sorry, what was that. I didn't quite hear you? :D


In all seriousness I love Wyrd, they can do very little wrong in my eyes, sure I don't like all their products and I often express my opinion one way or the other but at the end of the day Wyrd are one of the coolest companies I've come across if for no other reason than the open beta testing and friendly approach they have to their community on these forums. They are a damn sight better than the cash leeches that run GW. I spent years buying into their crap and whilst I enjoyed it at the time these days they just piss me off. Wyrd is definitely not perfect but they are well up there as one of the better miniature companies out there. 

I don't love Wyrd.


I don't love GW


In fact I don't love any mini or gaming company.


What i do is buy the minis/books etc I like regardless of who manufactures them.  I don't always agree with how GW run their business but it wouldn't stop me buying things if i wanted them.


I can see where you are coming from though...and i guess it all depends on the meta around you..Around here its GW city...so it makes sense to keep up to date as much as possible so I can get games in.


But both companies p**s me off in some ways, but both also make me smile.

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