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Well, he calculated 6 for me, which seems fair.

The thing with postage from the Uk is...if you can keep it under 2kg and in a small box, then it is cheaper.  Once it gets out of those parameters it gets into silly money.


I charge the basic fee approximately for postage to wherever (it varies between £5 and £10 for the continent) and take the hit for the extra for tracking and signature myself for peace of mind.

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btw, low key painter challenge for those that couldn't be arsed for the Iron Painter :P




I found myself getting the urge to paint again over the weekend so I started painting my Young Nephilm only to find that when I took them out of the case last night for a league game they had both snapped off their bases. One at the spine of the head and the other just above the ankle... Naturally I'm pretty pissed off by that at the moment and just to REALLY wind me up Barbaros decided to lose his sword arm at the elbow joint as well... so roughly half my Lilith crew just decided to explode in my case... Fun times. Lots of pinning last night was not fun. 

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what about a very low key paint challenge for those that just can't be arsed?


"The best Unpainted model"


Those are just arses.



I found myself getting the urge to paint again over the weekend so I started painting my Young Nephilm only to find that when I took them out of the case last night for a league game they had both snapped off their bases. One at the spine of the head and the other just above the ankle... Naturally I'm pretty pissed off by that at the moment and just to REALLY wind me up Barbaros decided to lose his sword arm at the elbow joint as well... so roughly half my Lilith crew just decided to explode in my case... Fun times. Lots of pinning last night was not fun. 


Wow, that is bad.... 

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So, how was Ultron? I heard it's quite good.


I liked it, but they could have focused the action, I feel.


My wife didn't like it much. Too focused on action, she says. I kinda agree. Also, the first Avengers resolved a lot of story arcs. The second one opens up a lot of story arcs. It's atotally different animal.

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There was far too much action.  I literally fell asleep for the majority of the movie, because extended actions scenes bore me.


But what I was awake for wasn't too bad.


My husband enjoyed it.  Though he was upset by the color of "the mind stone"...  I guess the stone things are all different colors?  And this one should have been blue?

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Half-painted is too high quality. Quarter painted might be stretching it.


No deal then.


There was far too much action.  I literally fell asleep for the majority of the movie, because extended actions scenes bore me.


But what I was awake for wasn't too bad.


Yeah, this is a good resume. If they had cut down the Hulk vs Iron Man fight (which wasn't bad, but a fight too much) and the Ultron vs Cap fight (which was very entertaining, but could have been shorter), and expanded Thor's motivation to raise Vision, it would have been a better movie. It was still entertaining, though.

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It's more enjoyable to think of them as chapters in a longer story than as a standalone movie each time. Also, the rest of the stuff from Agent Carter, Agents of SHIELD, the Netflix series stuff... that's going to be the filler of the gaps. Marvel-Disney is branding the hell out of this cash cow, and they are not disappointing. 


O_O Thats a bit more than I can watch.

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I found myself getting the urge to paint again over the weekend so I started painting my Young Nephilm only to find that when I took them out of the case last night for a league game they had both snapped off their bases. One at the spine of the head and the other just above the ankle... Naturally I'm pretty pissed off by that at the moment and just to REALLY wind me up Barbaros decided to lose his sword arm at the elbow joint as well... so roughly half my Lilith crew just decided to explode in my case... Fun times. Lots of pinning last night was not fun.

This is seriously an issue with Wyrd plastics. My Trappers came with broken barrels on the fucking sprue.

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