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Living in Dorset (English South coast) I actually have about 6 or 7 different beaches all within a 45 min drive from me. We often have some pretty nice weather I'll have you know. But that's probably because it comes up from France. I think Wales is to blame for all our mist and Scotland for the shitty rain :D


No. English beaches are were hope and joy goes to die. Of course, I have a very high standard for "nice beach" as I used to live in south-east Asia and had places like these only hours away.


Doesn't change the fact that British weather is abominable. Couldn't tell the difference between Whitby (ostensibly on the coast) and York (castle surrounded by sheep in a moor*).


*As opposed to "in a Moor" which probably had a different connotation back in the crusades.

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What rhymes with Austringer?


MD, all that gym work zFiend does has to pay off somehow. If not for this, then for what does he go there? Seriously!


Bringer, Flinger, Linger, Singer, Springer, Stinger, Swinger, Wringer, Clinger

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