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Yeah, and for what? Just because you can be pain-free after, and want your other teeth uninfected, and such bullshit! Solid logic, man!  :D


I'm stubborn also fuck dentists! That's all the logic I need! 


Also I have a mountain of painkillers here so I'll be alright, I'm just riding the storm and hoping it's just growing pains as the tooth erupts through my gum even more than it did the last time. If it's still hurting by the end of the week the Mrs is threatening to drag me to the psychos to have a look. 

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I'm stubborn also fuck dentists! That's all the logic I need! 


Also I have a mountain of painkillers here so I'll be alright, I'm just riding the storm and hoping it's just growing pains as the tooth erupts through my gum even more than it did the last time. If it's still hurting by the end of the week the Mrs is threatening to drag me to the psychos to have a look. 


People can be divided into to classes: Sensitizer and Represser. The former faces their problems, like pain and fear, expresses them (overly so, one might say), and thus has a lot of stress with it. The latter, well, represses them, acting like it's no big deal, being stressed out a lot more in reality.


One can pretty easily observe the difference once exams are on the schedule...


About 80% of men are repressers. I wonder if you are too?  :D

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About 80% of men are repressers. I wonder if you are too?  :D


No doubt about it. I am, I spent years repressing all sorts of issues. I drowned them out with 7 years of serious cannabis abuse which almost lead to me being sectioned by my family and future wife. Thankfully all of that is in the distant past but some habits are hard to break. It's the British stiff upper lip and all that I guess! :D

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As here they prod, poke, grunt, and make small talk while you can only grunt. Also charge a fortune for the "Service"


They are expensive here too. Insurance tackles the worst of it, but not all. It has gone so far that you can have extra insurance to cover dentists.


At least I have a very polite one. He makes a little small talk before he gets to work, and then he shuts the fuck up and does his job. Really nice guy.

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My latest dentist is alright, we get dental work done on the NHS which you have to pay towards every time you get paid. That way we get essentially free medical care but even with a NHS dentist you still have to pay them. Sometimes it feels like shooting yourself in the foot then shooting yourself in the other foot because you've essentially paid the buggers twice! 

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@ Praetor:  Are we limited to a faction, or is it  a free for all?  I could be quite random and pick Wild Boar for instance!  How do you like them cookies?! ;)


Just looking for things to blog. So anything goes :P


Wild Boars? Thats kinda odd.... I might look into them..

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Why am I asking this?  None of you probably even remember the bloomin' original song!!


Well, at least I know what song you talk about. Even if I wasn't around when it hit.


PD, do the Beckoner. (Yeah, I know!) Versatile, but so many differing opinions to research.

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