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In light of the recent revelation that America leads their drone war from Germany (which is against German law), without asking the German parliament (which is also against German law), I pretty much feel like you do that already. Who cares about puny local laws?


Saw that. Would be interesting to see the actual treaty between Germany and the US on that matter. Could be entirely possible that while technically illegal they're also technically legal because of some loophole.


Not condoning it, just saying it's possible for it to be both legal and not simultaneously. Sort of. Would be illegal for a German to do what the US military is doing, who have special permission. Or something. Just speculating.

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In light of the recent revelation that America leads their drone war from Germany (which is against German law), without asking the German parliament (which is also against German law), I pretty much feel like you do that already. Who cares about puny local laws?


Do you want to take that knife out of America's back now that you're done twisting it? :D

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The foundation of my "this is why I abstain from voting" argument - I refuse to take part in a broken, pointless system, and that is my passive protest in action. 


Your "passive protest" does absolutely nothing.


I mean, don't vote if you don't want to. But don't pretend that that is somehow achieving something :-P

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Your "passive protest" does absolutely nothing.


I mean, don't vote if you don't want to. But don't pretend that that is somehow achieving something :-P


Whilst I agree with this sentiment I'm in a similar boat as Crush at the moment. Our general election is this Thursday and I'm refusing to vote. Not because I think the system is broken but because all of the parties involved are full of total knobs who couldn't run a piss up in a brewery let alone a country. I don't want to be partly responsible for any of the candidates getting into power so I didn't register to vote. I just don't believe in any of our potential PM's. 

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Is this your subtle way of saying "Aaron Darland for President!" ?


I've thought about it before (not in a serious way, just in a "I wonder what a campaign would actually be like for a Philosophy major who likes trolling people").


I think I could have a lot of fun, the trick is getting people to take me seriously for long enough.

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Whilst I agree with this sentiment I'm in a similar boat as Crush at the moment. Our general election is this Thursday and I'm refusing to vote. Not because I think the system is broken but because all of the parties involved are full of total knobs who couldn't run a piss up in a brewery let alone a country. I don't want to be partly responsible for any of the candidates getting into power so I didn't register to vote. I just don't believe in any of our potential PM's. 

but then you should still vote, but for a candidate you know won't get in or influence the power..ie Greens.


Or just invalidate your form in protest.

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Okay, you caught me. Honestly, it achieves nothing, but I just do it for the satisfaction of not buying into "the lie." That door swings both ways (what she said) and both sides are equally stupid. I'm more of an outside observer than a crusader. 


You mean you're passive. I get that, but it also means that you condone the current system through passivity.


Saw that. Would be interesting to see the actual treaty between Germany and the US on that matter. Could be entirely possible that while technically illegal they're also technically legal because of some loophole.


Not condoning it, just saying it's possible for it to be both legal and not simultaneously. Sort of. Would be illegal for a German to do what the US military is doing, who have special permission. Or something. Just speculating.


Oh, of course. Our government probably condoned that. Which is also illegal. In Germany, the parliament has to be informed about pretty much everything, which absolutely doesn't happen. The current scandal about our own secret service collaborating with the American agencies to spy on our own people just proves that.


Still, it's the best system anybody has thought up so far. Not participating just robs you of any chance to make it better.

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but then you should still vote, but for a candidate you know won't get in or influence the power..ie Greens.


Or just invalidate your form in protest.


I'd rather not waste my time or energy on any of them. I honestly couldn't care less. 


Also, this...




This says it all. 

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2. Actually, Plato's Republic was the best system. According to Socrates, Democracy was one of the worst systems, which eventually leads to Tyranny. 


You know, I don't agree with that. First, Socrates was talking of direct democracy, like the Greeks practiced, which was also more of an oligarchy. And second, Plato's Republic was a fascist system with an absence of choice. No, I prefer the current system. By far.


And yes, the forum is pretty slow at the moment.

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It's probably my "grass is always greener" outlook. You guys are also way more accepting of my outlandish beliefs than people I know around here. I appreciate the level-headed exchanges, rather than getting yelled at and called names :)


I think there is no perfect system, just ones that suck less. I like the Parliamentary system, but it has its flaws, just as the US republic does. 


Also, CJ, we can totally call you names in all caps if you want :)

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It's probably my "grass is always greener" outlook. You guys are also way more accepting of my outlandish beliefs than people I know around here. I appreciate the level-headed exchanges, rather than getting yelled at and called names :)


Well, I like discussing such things. It's an intellectual exercise for me.


This video indicates that this is a rather typical German outlook:



The rest is pretty funny, too. Although not to be taken too seriously.

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Well, I like discussing such things. It's an intellectual exercise for me.


This video indicates that this is a rather typical German outlook:



The rest is pretty funny, too. Although not to be taken too seriously.


I laughed. A bit unfortunate that Super Dickmann's leaves that white residue when eating :)

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I laughed. A bit unfortunate that Super Dickmann's leaves that white residue when eating :)


What? What residue? If you eat them like they should be aeaten, they don't leave any residue.  :blink:


Sadly, not the case here. I miss being able to talk about politics and philosophy and things like that. You know, things that actually allow society to progress as a whole.


I really miss my student days when I could discuss stuff with random people on campus. Good times.

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