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Off Topic Playground

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And MD. You shall get the Austringer as a marriage gift. It's non-returnable. It'll be glorious.


You might even want to take that gift with you for the honeymoon. Flying Dirial to photobomb all you pictures.



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My wife is deathly afraid of anything feathered. We'd have to hide it from her.

This sounds increasingly funny!

Well it's not likely she's tagging along? So I think we're covered.

Indeed it does. I can just see it now. MD, the Mrs and the Eagle in a sunset picture.

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Indeed it does. I can just see it now. MD, the Mrs and the Eagle in a sunset picture.


Hah, it will be glorious. So romantic.


And while my wife won't tag along, I want to be there when she finds the costume in the wardrobe. Hehehe.

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Morning!  Late start on here for me as we had a meeting at work..inconsiderate oppressors.


I have finally caught up with all the previous posts..and Victoria is correct in the assumption that this isn't the original incarnation of this thread.  We had another...it got too out of control and they banished us here...now I seem to be the only original left.


I weep at the loss of my brothers (and sisters) that have passed by the wayside.


But also I rejoice at the fact that I rule supreme as the only original OTT'er still standing (well, sitting)


I would Muahahahaaa but if Aaron comes in he will likely knock me down a peg or two... ;)

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You need to have a mask and a superhero toolbelt when she finds it. And a speech prepared and memorized.


There won't be any talking when she finds a feathered suit in the wardrobe, let alone speeches. There will be high-pitch screaming. I might have to calm police officers.


Well, now it sounds like our plans for MD's wedding.

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This thread is only 4 years old..the previous incarnation wasn't an off topic thread it just ended up that way, got to about 50+ pages long in a few days and Weird Sketch (the mod back then) decided to shove us in general discussion where we could do no harm....


Greats like Karn, Theonewhofell, Sliver chocobo and Lonely path (who does appear from time to time) ...ah the good old days.


but it makes my ancient heart smile to see the next generation picking up the baton and running with it...

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