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Yeah, reasonable. A man and a woman dancing, with the man in command. Gayest thing ever.  :D


I don't mean that it is literally homosexual. It's mean its just lame, stupid, boring, flowery, poncy, camp, waste of time, tedious etc... 


Haha. MD in a nutshell.


You know it! :D

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I don't mean that it is literally homosexual. It's mean its just lame, stupid, boring, flowery, poncy, camp, waste of time, tedious etc... 


Just teasing. Also, you're wrong, but I won't convince you of that, right?


Good morning, America(ns)!

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Dreamer is a lot different than I remember playing as. They definitely made him more fun in this edition. That said I lost to the VikMissile

Dreamer is absolutely ridiculous in this edition. The Summoning path? That shit is far too good.

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Morning Mik & Crush


Ugh. Monday. Morning, gentleme..... peop.... wyrdos.




This perfectly describes how my day is going so far. I've been awake since 5am and I've had 7 hours of bullshit since I've been awake. Everbody at work is failing extra hard today just to make my day extra special. 


Just teasing. Also, you're wrong, but I won't convince you of that, right?


I wouldn't place any bets on it no :D

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National Holiday. So no monday early wakeups. :D

I'm still sick so I just shut down my alarm clock in the morning. Took a slow start with breakfast and supernatural and now I'm at the gym. Fucking 5 days at home with no gym ends up in a very cranky and confused zFiend. All is better now. Well except my psychical health. This wasn't probably the best idea. But at least I'm doing more reps and more weights than previously on my back day. So yeah, even worse. :D

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I met some very nice Dutch people during the weekend. They were very glad to be in Germany. No work due to the holiday, but still open shops.


We are nice people. Sometimes.



Sometimes I regret leaving her in charge of our social calendar!


I don't have a social calendar.... <_<

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