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Well zFiend sent me some metal mini's once and they were fine. I'm surprised they didn't turn up drenched in troll excrement or something. He was even kind enough to include a personal message which simply read "filthmonger!" :D



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Yeah, I was on the fence about ordering, because I only needed one thing, and it wasn't even for me. But now she has her housewarming gift and first crew, and I get Hannah and the Strongarm Suit. And that alt Kaeris. So that's always a bonus. 


I really just don't want to be at work today. Shadowrun: Dragonfall has me in its cold, futuristic grip... 

Yeah, I set aside a budget each month for 'luxuries', which can be football matches, hobby stuff, a nice lunch etc...just personal stuff.  my wife does the same.


This month it has all gone on Hobby...I actually look at what I have bought and think, actually that budget stretches a fair way!


It helps when both my LGS and online retailers have between 10 and 25% off retail.

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I'm quitting Malifaux and selling everything. I think I'm going to have to go back to 40k or quit the hobby entirely, because that's all anyone wants to play anymore is freakin' 40k.


Maybe if I am lucky I can turn my Kings of War armies into something Warhammer compatible...at least until 9th drops. Then I'm hosed.

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I'm quitting Malifaux and selling everything. I think I'm going to have to go back to 40k or quit the hobby entirely, because that's all anyone wants to play anymore is freakin' 40k.


Maybe if I am lucky I can turn my Kings of War armies into something Warhammer compatible...at least until 9th drops. Then I'm hosed.


This joke stopped being fun after seeing it the fifth time.... 

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I'm quitting Malifaux and selling everything. I think I'm going to have to go back to 40k or quit the hobby entirely, because that's all anyone wants to play anymore is freakin' 40k.


Maybe if I am lucky I can turn my Kings of War armies into something Warhammer compatible...at least until 9th drops. Then I'm hosed.


This joke was never funny, in fact round my part of the world this is considered heresy and is a hangable offense :D. After playing GW systems for over 10 years discovering Malifaux was a total breath of fresh air. GW don't give a shit, Wyrd most definitely do. Malifaux > Warhammer. No question.


40k is on it's last legs in my area and Warhammer has fans fleeing at the sound of it's name. GW have killed it's local fan base considerably. Saying that they don't care, they just don't and it might as well be a well known fact. Their customer base tends to consist of adolescent teenagers with plenty of money to waste who eventually discover sex is a thing and abandon the hobby to possibly come back in 5-10 years time at which point the next generation of spotty, money abundant teens come along to line GW's ever growing pockets with expendable income. 


Not like I'm a GW hater or anything but you know what they say...



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