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Sounds like a typical morning, doesn't it?


Also, did you hear that my marriage is in shambles and might end soon? ZFiend was right after all.


Yeah it does actually! 


Seriously? Or is this just some BS April Fools? 


The day zFiend is right is the day I redecorate my office walls with brain matter...



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Well I'm at work at the moment so once that's all done with I'll be heading home to sort out some dinner and then as it's Wednesday which means my dedicated gaming night where the Mrs can't moan at me I'll mostly likely jump onto the PS4 and level up a character I've been planning on Warframe. Maybe paint as well but there's more chance of flying pigs crashing into my house than that happening! :D

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Morning wastrels!


It is sunny here in wales so the mist must be off bothering someone else today...


Unless it is some April fools thingy...


Morning Abs!


My package arrived, but it was pretty mangled. Justice was in a serious breakdance pose. The beauty about white metal is that you can fix it with some well applied violence.

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Morning wastrels!


It is sunny here in wales so the mist must be off bothering someone else today...


Unless it is some April fools thingy...


Mornin' *tips hat and twirls cane*


It's looking pretty nice over here in Dorset as well. I'm wondering when the downpour will start! 

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Morning Abs!


My package arrived, but it was pretty mangled. Justice was in a serious breakdance pose. The beauty about white metal is that you can fix it with some well applied violence.

Really?  I'm sorry to hear that .....have you definitely been able to salvage it as I would hate you to have a duff mini...


I will note the fact that it got mangled as future reference for sending overseas!

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Really?  I'm sorry to hear that .....have you definitely been able to salvage it as I would hate you to have a duff mini...


I will note the fact that it got mangled as future reference for sending overseas!


It was ripped in one place, and the German postal service tried to fix it shut. I think someone ( :angry: ) tried to force it in a letter box or something. The base was thus aligned with the rest of her body, and her ankles didn't like that much.


I'm okay with their (violence modified) position now, so no reason to make a fuss over it.

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