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Also when playing a new master my first thing to do is stress test the shit out of it. So I go for a full on assassinate no matter who is up against me. :D :D


This often works to my advantage because my blood to alcohol ratio is often 1:5 and so I need all the help I can get after a long day at work :D

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I haven't done this in a while, but it's time for a patented LoD Response Bomb! :blast :blast :blast


Yay a poem!

Good morning everyone!



Song lyrics, technically...thought I'd try referencing Von Schill's old unofficial nickname :)



I have just had the email from wayland promoting Guild Ball..I had completely lost this game off my radar!


I did not buy into the KS because I have Dreadball and Blood Bowl on the PC. That said, it looks like a good game, and the miniature designs are excellent and dripping with theme. It was hard to resist.


I'm in a similar boat. Just can't afford to play this as well as Warhammer, Malifaux, Warmahordes, Hell Dorado AND Warzone Resurrection. 


I haven't even touched my Warzone Resurrection stuff yet. It looks like it plays fairly well- like 1st Edition with a twist. What's your take on it, especially with the card-game-y elements?


I take it you heard about Cipher Studios discontinuing Hell Dorado and Anima Tactics? Hell Dorado is being taken over by someone else, I think, but Anima Tactics as a minis game is dead after the upcoming new releases. It's a shame- I've heard that it's a great gateway game for people who like video game RPGs and their miniature designs were quite distinct. I hope someone picks it up, at least with respect to updating the rules.


I only play Warhammer, Malifaux and Wrath of Kings on a regular basis now. 40k has fallen out of favor for various reasons. Hordes I have minis for, but I hate the ruleset.


Thumbs up to Wrath of Kings, of course. Gripping Beast had the chance to have Saga be the standard in non-sci-fi, warband-sized rulesets- all they had to do was release a fantasy supplement with orcs, undead, elves, dwarves, ratmen, lizardmen, and so on (honestly, a book with elves, dwarves, undead, and orcs would've been plenty). The battleboard mechanic is one that I rank with Malifaux's Fate Deck as something that's both distinct and that actually makes the game more fun.


But they didn't bother. Wrath of Kings dropped, and if it takes off at all, I honestly feel they'll steal a bit of Saga's market share. I highly doubt Saga's player base is all historical gamers.


I feel a similar way about Warmahordes- the rules are well done but rather complicated. It's for hardcore competitive types, and I'm too laid back for that. The model range is quite nice overall.


I think this was supposed to be the puppet Steampunk Arachnid!


It is! It's even card art on one of the Puppet Wars Fate Deck cards (3 of Tomes, I think).


Don't think I know anybody who plays Puppet Wars. Is it any good?


Got it for the girlfriend ages ago, have not actually played it. Got waylaid by Kickstarter fever.


It's essentially a streamlined, super-deformed, self-contained board game take on Malifaux. It's less gruesome since they're all puppets and when the battle is over, the ripped up puppets just get sewn back together again. Instead of fooling with tape measures, you have hexes. They might release an expansion for it eventually, but right now everything but (I think) a few limited edition puppets are in the main box.


In short, if you have friends that shy away from miniatures games but love board games, it's a way to both play a board game and get your Malifaux fix at the same time.

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Yeah, Hordemachine is a bit too competitive. Not a bad game, just not for me.


Hell Dorado seemed to be picked up by Ninja Devision, as far as I heard. I hope they get along with releasing the Monkeys. I'm a sucker for aztec/mayan themed minis. 


Saga looked interesting, but as you said, historic themed only. Seemed to be easy to apply to fantasy though.


How's it going in the land down under?

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I gave up on Warmachine about 6 months ago...I had everything for the Protectorate up until that point and virtually all painted.  And some things in multiples (I mean, I had like, 30 + zealots!).  I just hadn't played it for about a year and was disillusioned with the over the top competitive p***ing contest my local club had become so took the plunge and shoved it all on ebay in a few batches.


Sold it all for just shy of £1000 which fuelled my Malifaux frenzy and also paid off a few household bits and pieces.  I have never missed it since.


I have a handful of Trollbloods now but likely I will drop them onto ebay soon.

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Yeah I've heard Ninja Division took on Hell Dorado but they are as useless as Cipher were, the last release was Lasiqs for my Saracens and that was way back in Sept 14. If you think anybody in the world currently has a copy of that blister in their hands you'd be VERY VERY wrong. It needs somebody to kick the game right up the arse and breath new life into it because it's a really fun system and fairly cheap as well. It just needs some support. 

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Yeah, Hordemachine is a bit too competitive. Not a bad game, just not for me.


Hell Dorado seemed to be picked up by Ninja Devision, as far as I heard. I hope they get along with releasing the Monkeys. I'm a sucker for aztec/mayan themed minis. 


Saga looked interesting, but as you said, historic themed only. Seemed to be easy to apply to fantasy though.


How's it going in the land down under?


I'm doing alright, though I am not sure how things are Down Under- I'm 'Murican.


HoMachine (as FrontlineGamer used to call it- I miss his blog but I hope he's happy in Scandinavia) is exactly as you say- good game, scene's too hardcore for my blood.


I want to try Saga; I figure it wouldn't be too hard to go through all of the Battle Boards and figure out which one would work with the Undead best. I think there's a fan-based sourcebook for fantasy Saga, but something official would be successful enough to justify the cost.


Sold it all for just shy of £1000 which fuelled my Malifaux frenzy and also paid off a few household bits and pieces.  I have never missed it since.


Wow...that's a lot of- eh, I'm tired of our usual slang, so I'm gonna go with "dosh." Yeah, a lot of dosh, that is. I've got a lot of stuff that's long overdue for eBay.


Yeah I've heard Ninja Division took on Hell Dorado but they are as useless as Cipher were, the last release was Lasiqs for my Saracens and that was way back in Sept 14. If you think anybody in the world currently has a copy of that blister in their hands you'd be VERY VERY wrong. It needs somebody to kick the game right up the arse and breath new life into it because it's a really fun system and fairly cheap as well. It just needs some support. 


One of the things I heard about was that spells (or at least, the powerful spells and abilites) were tied to using lemures- you had to get one close enough to the target to act as a focus/power source for casting the spell. That's a neat sounding mechanic. I'd probably roll Lost if I were to play.

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I'm doing alright, though I am not sure how things are Down Under- I'm 'Murican.


Oh, my excuses. Thought you mentioned being an australian once. Must be somebody else.


Lemures and spells are a neat mechanic. To cast a spell, you summoned a lemure, that need to get close to unleash the spell. But could be killed beforehand

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Hey guys. How you doin' today?

I was very busy looking at very old and beautiful stuff. Always dreamt of visiting the Eternal City, and it's even better than I hoped. Doesn't hurt that I'm in very nice company, of course.

I hope there are some good things to talk about on the forums. Bet you're bored to tears without some Guild jokes...

Now, I'm off to find something edible. Don't get me wrong, food is divine here. Damn Italians just don't believe in eating while the sun is in the sky...

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