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Are people being terrible to each other over toy soldiers?


I dropped out of the rest of the board- I don't play enough to have any sort of knowledge to back up my claims anymore, and I'm tired of people being jerky to each other over things that are ultimately not that important.

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Wow, that Pandora thread got pretty hairy pretty quickly. Should we go in there and derail it to lighten the mood or just let them shout at each other some more? :D


Aaron warpath will make it lock quickly. (No loss there)


I don't think losing facebook "friends" is such a big loss. If that is the only bad thing...


(Also, holy maceroni, releases!)

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Holy shit,

What is this?

A new Wyrd release?

To make all complaints cease?


I can't believe my eyes

for this is a impressive prize

Who would have thought?

That it would contain all we sought?


Thank you all, for this great sight

The Future looks so very bright!



(Shame Dirial isn't around, we could have taunted him with the new Molly Box)

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So I've been led to believe... pantsless berserker army and all. 


I really need to find a way to incorporate painting minis in with all this downtime I have at the office. Nothing to do for the next 5 hours, and I'm getting paid to troll the official troll thread. I guess I should start writing more campaign fodder for D&D...


*can't even say "I need a hobby" anymore*


What a time to be alive.


Our reign was short, but glorious.

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Actually Philip is really bad. I wouldn't want that box for him.


Molly herself looks great. But the Crooligans.. The new Crooligans. HOT DIGGITY! The girl one with the bear.. That is just sad and amazing at the same time. One of the best renders I've seen. So I'm getting the new Crooligan box. I have the metals, I never use them because I prefer Necropunks. But I am getting them. :P 

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*wipes tear from eye*


Oh, to have lived in those days long since passed,

When the comments roamed free on the forums.

But one day, the Mods said, "no more," and alas,

We are all exiled here due to boredom.


*nods* Aaah, some decent poetry.



Actually Philip is really bad. I wouldn't want that box for him.


Molly herself looks great. But the Crooligans.. The new Crooligans. HOT DIGGITY! The girl one with the bear.. That is just sad and amazing at the same time. One of the best renders I've seen. So I'm getting the new Crooligan box. I have the metals, I never use them because I prefer Necropunks. But I am getting them. :P


I kinda like Philip, and as Jansen said, the sheer rediculity of the model commands me to get him. 

But damn, them Crooligans. Those look so awesome. 10/10 would buy. Now I'm only missing plastic Iggy for my Pedo Hamelin crew ;)


Whiskey Golem looks derpy. But fun :D

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