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Simulacrum 29 is a freaking amazing model! I have it on the painting table atm. I played with the Carrion Emissary the other in a Seamus crew. It can't take shit in the form a beating though. One Whisper from a Hanged and one charge from a Punk and that 10ss model was down and stood no chance of surviving. :( 

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Mornin *weak waving*


Good morning guys!


My wedding was wonderful, I had a great day, and I deliver greetings from my wife!


Now, I'm off to the honeymoon. (But I think, I'll be around.)


Great to hear. Give greetings to your wife and have a nice honeymoon! (we all know you will be around.)

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I almost done with my Simulacrum 29. Then I should probably get my Nurses painted up. Their art is amazing and the poses are great, but the sculpts themselves are horrible. The facial details are second to none.

Or I could start painting on a whole new crew as well. Get something new to play.

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Else you will end up with a lot of half-painted minis.

Too late. :D

My attention span is way too low to focus on something. I go by the mood of what I feel like painting, that's when I get results. If I paint something because I have to they don't come out well and then I lose my mojo and I don't paint for months. So it's better to just hop from model to model to get something done every now and then because it's fun than to force myself to paint something in particular. :P

Though I do need to force myself on the details of every single model I paint. :P

I have a Kirai crew that needs a very small basing operation to be done but it's been in my cupboard for months now. :P

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Great to hear.

Have a nice honeymoon and try to stay off the forums. :D


This is a time to listen to Yoda, except the "do not" part. Come back post honeymoon. You shouldn't be reading this until after you've had an amazing time with your wife.


The good- TN Games Days was fun. Got to try a few board games that I hadn't played before. Finally got to play Power Grid- it's good, but the US map is punishing if your first house/plant/house-shaped token placement is bad. I placed poorly to start, didn't handle my power plant purchases right for a turn or two, and was dead last for the rest of the game.


The bad- lost a couple of friends- eh, more like acquaintances- on Facebook. Will miss one, but he has to stand with his wife over someone he's hung out with a handful of times. She's no loss though.

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