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Morning!  Nice avatar Dirial...


And sorry about the mist Praetor, it does tend to have a mind of its own.  One of our favourite exports is quality mist.


However, on the flip side, we seem to import far too much rain.


Yeah, I figured. Stupid mist. Better leash it like you do with your sheep.


Sorry for the rain. It's one of our better export products here. 



I probably should go and check out all this beta stuff, but I just don't have time! 


Today is the last day the forums will be up. So better be quick!

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So, I saw that Dirial edited his avatar for the forum and the first thought that went through my mind was:


"Dirial! What happened to your face?!?"


I need to sleep more. XD


I get that. I kind of imagine zFiend as a guy in the dark with a devilish grin and burning hair.

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