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Are you calling us Puppets?


Shh..don't mention the puppets. It's difficult to calm them down again once they get riled up. They nearly destroyed the precious Monoliths last time.


Not anymore I don't think. Dunno why they called themselves that, I've only been going to the Wyverns for about 6 months and already spread Malifaux like a plague among their ranks :D


As for Warhammer Armies I've got Tomb Kings, High Elves, Ogre Kingdoms and Warriors of Chaos. I rarely play these days in favor of smaller scaled and financially less oppressive systems. 


You mean like Kings of War? :DOnce the v2 beta goes public, unlike that other company, you'll actually be able to provide feedback on the game. People will actually read it and respond, too!


Those Frikadellen will go down nicely with my Irn Bru and Pork Pies! *NOM!!*


I haven't had any British pies. I've had Aussie meat pies- there's an Australian Bakery outside Atlanta. So tasty. I tried Irn Bru once- must be an acquired taste, like our soda Cheerwine, or my personal favorite, Vernors.


The Irn Bru wasn't bad, but nothing screamed "must have more," either.


Boiled pork? Proper pork should be roasted!


Slowly. For many hours until it can be pulled from the bone by hand, put on a bun and topped with delicious barbecue sauce.


Do you prefer the plastic or metal minis?


I much prefer the plastics, to the point that I sold all of the metals I had..well, a few left to sell, and re-purchasing in plastic.


Easier to work with, seem nicer to paint and so much lighter!


Mostly like the plastics better, though Malifaux minis forced me to learn how to pin, which I suppose is good. I am fond of some of the metals over their plastic counterparts, like much of the old Viks crew, Nightmare Justice, the Alt Justice sculpt (still my favorite version of her), and the old Rasputina Crew (since it's the only one I've painted to even a passable level).


I personally would like to have a tara set, but I'm not going to spend lots of money on it.


I will be glad when the normal Tara crew finally hits. She's one of the more interesting Masters mechanics-wise.

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Good morning and have a nice weekend everyone! I can't spend the whole day posting today. :D And it's time these forums shall have some peace. 


Finished my Belles finally (well I already I had 3, now I have 6). Now what to  paint.. Hooded Rider (I've done some work on him already)? Dead Rider? I started on Molly a bit and Dead Justice. 


What do you guys think of the Riders? I would really like to like them a lot more but I think they are quite useless really. Well apart from the broken Mech Rider that is. 

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I tried Pale a few times, he was quite okay. What schemes is he golden in? 


Hooded I have tried a few times too, but he has underachieved constantly. Dead I haven't even tried yet. Mech I refuse to play for it's filthiness is too much for me. :P 

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And it's time these forums shall have some peace. 


Peace? These forums shall never know peace!



Good morning to you guys all. 


I have used the Dead Rider once, and we coined the phrase "The Dead Rider goes where it damn pleases." It dragged a bodyguid target from my table half all to the enemies deployment zone. 

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My friend played the Dead Rider once. I told him to keep it safe and not bring out til turn 3. He ran forward turn 1. Turn 2 he was gone. Huggy and an Illuminated went to make sure of that. :D

Well, no model is immune to bad play. Even Pandora cannot free herself when she gets boxed in in a house by her own crew, for example.

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Well, no model is immune to bad play. Even Pandora cannot free herself when she gets boxed in in a house by her own crew, for example.


Ugh, when I tried envy for the first time, that is exactly what happened. I put a changeling near him, but my opponent paralyzed the changeling, blocking Envy. Bad play on my part. 

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That's true. But still whether the Riders are played correctly or not I have not seen them used or even discussed much (if barely at all) around. Except for the Mech Rider but that is just ridiculous. 


Well anyway, since I am filthy Rezzer I started painting the Dead Rider. No idea when or with who will I ever used it but since I have it, might as well paint it. Basecoated three Silurids as well, might as well start on my Marcus crew at some point. 

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Hard choice i will say. I think I might run it with Tara. (Hello fast horseman out of nowhere) or maybe with McMourning. Was thinking a bit about Kirai, but I need to run her decently before that.


EDIT: Just realized that it can become a Horror with Molly's conflux. 

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McMourning? How do you fit a 12ss model in a McMourning list? My basic list is always full and won't budge. :D 


Tara might be good. I haven't played Kirai or Tara yet, I have them though but still under work. Tara hasn't even been assembled.

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You could try it with Yan Lo. He doesn't do that much for his crew anyway, so it doesn't matter much who he does nothing for, right?


But seriously, he could give it Armor in the first two turns, so you don't need to hold it back.

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