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Honestly, it was mainly because I had the chance of getting a shiny "I survived!" badge...


I just want to yell I'M IN. And then talk shit about the others.


I already asked if there will be a joke category. No answer. I don't think Aaron takes me seriously. :(

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Are you calling us Puppets?


Evil parasol wielding puppets.



Hm, I still have an unassembled McM crew, and I could finally buy Hoffman. Pathfinder still missing from my collection, and Lone Marshal, too.... Man, I don't have the time for that contest!


You could use the unassembled ones for the contest :D

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I hear you!


Seriously, where is everybody? No work for MD today?


Oh I'm working today, just had to chat to some of our carpenters before coming up to the office. It's always one BS problem to the next in the construction industry. Still... I had a good time demoing last night so that was cool. Yan Lo vs. Von Schill. 50ss game which was really fun. Our Fate Decks were incredibly polite, each taking it in turns to screw us over big time! (I'm sure zFiend will appreciate this given our track record!) First Turn him, 2nd Turn me etc. :)


Unfortunately my opponent had to dash a little earlier than expected however we got 4 turns in. I let him borrow some of my Resser stuff so he could "try before you buy" .Namely Izamu who was a royal pain but we had a laugh and he seemed to enjoy the game against the Freikorps (I also got to play my new Hannah model for the first time :D). 

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How did he like Yan Blow?


He wasn't really doing a lot of what Yan Lo could do. He just wanted to get more experience with his models and try a few new ones. He make a bit of a balls up with his scheme choices and chose Breakthrough without anything to actually run it but I explained that to him whilst we were packing up and gave him some recommendations. He seems to enjoy Yan Lo a lot and wasn't to focus on him for a while but did ask what other crews compliment him well. I advised Seamus and Kirai for Onryo, Belles & Sybelle and of course Nicodem because I don't care what anybody says. He is King of the Ressers. 


Yeah, that's what I was thinking about.


Morning MD!


Sounds like you had a good time. Good for you, especially after that last game.




Yeah it was a nice breath of fresh air, wont be demoing next week though. Some silly Protectorate of Menoth player was spouting rubbish so I need to show him what the business end of a Skorne Titan's fist looks like :D

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But what the hell is Yan Blow supposed to do anyway? :D you could just leave him out, play with the crew and have the exact same effect.


I have never figured that part out. Maybe he's just not for me to play


I hope I could play some malifaux this weeked, so I can test my Scion abusement list. 

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I've got an all day session at my usual club the Wessex Wyverns. 10 am - 6 pm. I'll be rocking out some serious Malifaux and perhaps even a game of Warhammer. They need a dusting off first though. GW have SERIOUSLY lost the plot recently. I'm so glad I found Wyrd and Malifaux when I did! I'eve also got a birthday piss up tonight for a friend so... Vassal anybody?

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I've got an all day session at my usual club the Wessex Wyverns. 10 am - 6 pm. I'll be rocking out some serious Malifaux and perhaps even a game of Warhammer. They need a dusting off first though. GW have SERIOUSLY lost the plot recently. I'm so glad I found Wyrd and Malifaux when I did! I'eve also got a birthday piss up tonight for a friend so... Vassal anybody?

Does Wessex even exist?




What Warhammer army(s) do you own?

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