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Cleary you haven't eaten belgian or dutch fries. Soo goood. 


Pommes Spezial may just be the greatest Dutch achievement of all time. And not to be called racist: If Germans achieved it, it would probably be true as well.

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zFiend seems to have gotten busy. Maybe we should call his filth a bit more to summon him. 


I agree with you Dirial, Pommes Spezial are great


They are only available at Christmas around here. You'd have to order them specifically the rest of the year, and that will get you dirty looks...


Luckily, my fiancee is from Mönchengladbach and we hop over the border when we visit her family.

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Naked people running down hills is par for the course in Wales.


Skyclad we call it.


Though we should have an age restriction on it. 


Yeah, unfortunately most of your fields are riddled with sheep which only makes the usual stereotype a lot worse than it needs to be :D

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Thing is, if Wales is so bad...why do the English want to holiday here?


I think someone needs to address their farmyard attraction issues, eh Masterdisaster? ;)


We don't think Wales is bad. At least I don't, if you want bad go to Hull *shudders*


Also no issues here, when I see a farm I just see food on legs! 

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