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Don't post when you finished a chunk, post when you finished a model! I would like to seem something before the heat death of the universe.


Good point. Perhaps I'll do that.


(No, I don't think I have a model I consider finished at the moment.)

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do not even ask about an unpainted pile, Ed will tell you how I try and try to even paint a single mini yet the universe conspires against me!


It took me weeks to even get started on my Lilith crew. Got half way through Nico's crew and gave up. I've got about 10 Masters without a lick of paint on them. It's the worst part of the hobby for me. 

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I really like building the models! It's so much fun to puzzle them together and so satisfying if the model is finished and ready to hit the board.


I don't like painting too much. It's fun from time to time, but it takes forever!

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Aye, having that spark really helps. It's why I'm confident I'll be able to tackle at least some of the Skorne pile up, lol. I've had the spark with them enough to finish (or mostly finish) five models already and I'm still just looking forward to the rest. I've never done an event with a paint requirement, not sure if I'd enjoy it or even bother unless the army was 90% done before I agreed to it.

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I usually get stuck on details. Like I can and usually do paint a model almost done and then it's the details that I lose my mind with. I painted Seamus' left eye 8 times? And ended up giving him an eyepatch from greenstuff because I wasn't happy with his eye. I just thought to myself well if you wanna be half blind you c.. So you shall be.

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I have long since given up on details. Short, sweet and simple is the way forward. Also Army Painter Quickshade is just the bomb. It saves a lot of time. 


I used it on my Trollbloods, and it's great. I just wanted my Malifaux models to look slightly less rushed. I still drown them in washes, though.

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Washes, the cheat paints! I fully aprove of using them. Without them, I would most likely have far more ugly models.

Me too!

I usually like to go for the dirty and gritty anyway, washes just make that a lot easier! :D

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That's true.. Damn. We have a reputation people! PraetorDragoon throw in a war invoking poem! :D


So, cottage cheese and pineapple was out, so I added moldy fish and onions to keep the Finnish flavor. I seasoned with mint sauce and stale beer for MasterDisaster.


Am I doing the war invoking right?

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