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I have pdf versions of both systems! Interesting ideas in there. If I only had enough people with enough time to try them.... I like how in DA you roll first and plan the attack later. Also, I like the fluff of WarmaHordes better than the miniature game, so I'd be hyped to try their game.


They're releasing a Hordes version very soon as Iron Kingdoms is set in the Warmachine area of their world just before the s**t hits the fan however there is no reason why you can't update it. We played in modern day Warmachine settings and it was a blast. I was a Rogue / Alchemist with a death wish and pyromaniac tendencies. I'm more into Hordes than Warmachine though and I also like the idea of a Gatling Gun wielding Crocodile Man so yeah... there's that. I may have to pick the new one up at some point. 

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I played the Mage Knight Board game for the twelve hours, during the whole night. Then I slept two hours, before my fiancee kicked me awake. Now I'm staring at the screen and hoping for zFiend to do something funny to keep me awake. Felt like sharing.


That game is amazing by the way.


Mage Knight? I have heard the board game basically fixed the bad and accentuated the good. If you mean Alkemy, then yes, of course I agree ;)



As I am in a sharing mood, I once was on a Soup&Music street festival. Info booths were handing out free vegan soup, but one had to bring their own bowl. All the while, some punk bands played all over the place. Weird kind of festival, I have to say.


But was Bowling for Soup playing that festival?


Last week was pretty good actually. Got some Gluttony trickery in (which was less awesome than expected) and played some Wrath of Kings. Fun game.


Can you elaborate a bit on your WoK game? I have my stuff assembled (except for a few of the blasted War Dancers- gotta fix their fiddly weapons, rassem frassem).


Playing a lot of Dark Eye. I'm a nWoD fan but no group at the moment. I would love to try TtB but I'm waiting for Innocence to even try it.


"Das Schwarze Auge" sounds way cooler than "The Dark Eye."


Does anyone actually Play Through the Breach?


Yo, Ed! That's your cue, man.


I backed the KS and have the books and models (which are nice, btw, even if the women are as tall as the men). Looks like good stuff from what I read.


Oh, and since there's poetry about, here's one that I cannot properly attribute but must be shared anyway:


There once was a man from Manchu

Who tried to write a haiku

But he

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Fine. I shall throw in one as well!

I once had a boner,

Remembered I was a loner,

Then the whole thing was a goner.

Such emotion, even if I say it myself.


Pure art!


"Das Schwarze Auge" sounds way cooler than "The Dark Eye."


No argument there, but it's the official English title. Nothing I can do about it.


Mage Knight? I have heard the board game basically fixed the bad and accentuated the good. If you mean Alkemy, then yes, of course I agree ;)


The board game is pure genius. Very cool mechanics, and a blast to play. My second favourite board game at the moment, after Shadows of Brimstone.


But was Bowling for Soup playing that festival?


I have no idea. Not that I'm aware of. I was kind of occupied with herding a Chihuahua, though. It wasn't mine, but it seriously needed herding.

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Can you elaborate a bit on your WoK game? I have my stuff assembled (except for a few of the blasted War Dancers- gotta fix their fiddly weapons, rassem frassem).


I played two intro games, once with my Hadross and once with my Nasier. My opponent used Shael Han twice. First game was us looking a bit on how things run, and how it worked. we didn't consider it a proper test run, because SO MANY 10's! (usually 2 hits) and even more lucky kills. Second game was more tense and interesting.  I suffered a lot of backlash from my magic attacks. (Bad tomb kings flashbacks there) Even tougher models (2 thoughness/2 hp) tend to be fragile, and can easily be taken down. Losses on both sides were great. 


Games were fun. Simple, yet some deep tactics in there. Especially when commands, inspire and trainings were involved. Changing a training changes the way your army plays, even when you take the same models, which was kinda cool. Focus on motivations was cool. We decided to pick a category and roll a d3 on that one. Free picking might work too, but I think that will be less interesting in the long run. 

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Good morning right back at you!


Yep, feeling better. Had a read of the new FAQ (my pet crusade still unanswered!) and wrote some things on the newbie board. Now I'll get some delicious cappuccino and dig into the beta files.

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Yeah I saw. Recruiting when they are still young and don't know any better. So Guild like. :P

I had a small read over the beta files. Usually I just check the ones I'm most interested and then later on read the rest.

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Yeah I saw. Recruiting when they are still young and don't know any better. So Guild like. :P

I had a small read over the beta files. Usually I just check the ones I'm most interested and then later on read the rest.


Yeah, that's how I do it, too. First a careful study of the Guild stuff, then I post something about it, then I wait what other models get a lot of discussion and read those. ;)

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Forgotten Marshal.


Also yeah I agree the Emissaries might not be the "best" choice but man will they be cool to play.

I think the Carrion will be seen in all my Seamus lists just so I can play his avatar model and have the three merry hatters and all the undead girls on the table. :D

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I think the Carrion will be seen in all my Seamus lists just so I can play his avatar model and have the three merry hatters and all the undead girls on the table. :D


Convert the new Colette, and you can play an "all the top hats" list.

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Convert the new Colette, and you can play an "all the top hats" list.

What.. What man?

That is BRILLIANT! Though the first things that are asked when I say I converted a model are:

1. Does it have a Tophat?

2. Does it have a moustache?

3. Did you give it a beard?

So yeah. I wish there was a kickstarter in malifaux scale Tophats. I'd hit that in a heartbeat! (yes, I know and I would.)

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What.. What man?





I think there should be Alternative sculpts for each Master which include top hats, to be earnest. That would be grand. I don't know what to do with the ones who already have one, though.

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I think there should be Alternative sculpts for each Master which include top hats, to be earnest. That would be grand. I don't know what to do with the ones who already have one, though.

They could have.. Wait for it.. Two tophats! What's better than one? Two! Of course! Double Toppers, it's a thing, you know.

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