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I don't like cities much either. Gencon was fun...Indianapolis, not so much, lol.

Sounds like a good amount of progress, Steam!

---------- Post added at 05:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 AM ----------

I feel like I should be making a 'Tricks of Assembly for new Lady J and Rasputina' article building these two kits... >.>

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Some things are fiddly bits. Oddly, for all the fiddly bits, the Scales of Justice went together pretty easily. Others are things like paint Lady J's face before you glue her sword on. Oh, and you might want to pin it, because the blade is a separate piece from the hilt. And there's some order of operation things for Rasputina that don't seem evident if you're not paying attention. And being careful with the Judge's head, because there's a bit that looks like sprue but actually is keyed to connect the head and body correctly.

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Unfortunately too much stuff is already assembled for photos to be really evident, but I'll definitely do a write up.

---------- Post added at 05:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:16 AM ----------

And...write up done. Hopefully it's useful to someone!

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I have the feeling I am soon going to be buried under a massive wave of miniatures. Yep, my Bones KS is finally on its way! Just add some more to the painting pile I have more Hasslefree Adventurers to paint up, 15 Heresy Tactical Marines and 2 Apothecaries to paint up as well. Oh, and 5 Tartaros termies. At least these are all my minis for a change! I told the guy with the thunderhawk and so on to go stuff himself when the most he'd offer me was £150 for assembling AND Painting his models and then also shipping them to him. Umm... with paints, labour and shipping rates I'd also be in the red at £150 for just the Thunderhawk, let alone the other models he wanted done (Thunderbolt, Lightning and a Malcador). Some people are just cheeky. I generally don;t do commission work, but I will on occasion for some people (and if the price is rightwith others, heh).

Was gonna paint today but shoulder's spasming on and off, will hopefully get some done tomorrow instead ;)

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Aw, I like the new Taelor. I also really love the new Student of Conflict...that model had me constantly looking at the box for reasons to buy it, lol.

Ooo...shiny display base, Shaper. What's it for?

That's going to be for my Tara Crew when it gets packed and shipped. I might do another for the Raspy crew I ordered as well... I got the bases from Tablewar and have a 3rd one which is waiting for a Collodi crew that I won from Seanhammer to arrive. otherwise it will be also used for my Joker gang

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If I wasn't expecting a few KS and other international orders to arrive (and hence customs charges, erk!) I would have likely ordered pretty much everything they released over the weekend for 2.0. Was very difficult making the decision of what to order so I could keep my order to about $150 (ended up going over by $10 though, hahaha).

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Morning! Hey PAth, long time no see!

And Steam, hope you have got the coffee on..I'm gonna need it..not sleeping well lately.

Managed to resist buying anything during Gencon and so will now start picking up the following when they go on general release:

Justice Box

Seamus Box

Viks Box

New rulebook.

Should spread the cost and hopefully give me time to build them too. At the moment I have a lot of Warmachine to build...

---------- Post added at 12:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 PM ----------

You doing a Heresy era army now too Path?

Which legion..bet you're a traitor lol..

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I was getting munched by a zombie while investigating a double homicide in an elevator, then something about prom dresses and a baby that stole my dads bed and shrunk it, then I got attacked by a foot long grasshopper.

---------- Post added at 06:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:57 AM ----------

Also my investigation consisted of "I'm going to hide in the corner here and see what happens."

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