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Oh yeah, i'm still hoping the entire range will eventually go plastic...then i may get my guild stuff again..as i prefer to work in plastic..i just couldnt find the time to build all those fiddly metal models!

well, the final lot of my clearance is up in the trading post.

Just kept the Justice and Lilith crews...but will be getting some of the new plastic ten thunders...misaki et al, and possibly the Rail crew..

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I've just given up on photos. I can never get the lighting right so they always look worse than they really are (honest). The photos are more proof that I have painted them rather than any display of skill.

I'm still fighting with that... I ended up putting some baking paper over my desk lamp and that diffuses the light. and I'm shining it directly on the figures... Also some colour and light balance in photoshop helps

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I had built a lightbox to diffuse light but the results still came out pretty random probably due to the daylight varying. So I judged it not worth the effort of getting out the box and all the lights. Maybe after the backlog is painted I'll re-photo everything to try and get a good shot.

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Afternoon all!

I can say I have my wllet nicely tied down so it cannot escape, it heard that Gencon was this week and tried to run away, it'll have to get faster to escape me! MUAHAHAHHAA!!! Then again, it was tackled by a group of Gothic Showgirls and #21 has kindly offered to look after it down her corset, I doubt the wallet will even want to try to escape whilst being down there ;)

A Wyrd Kicksytarter? While interesting I'd rather see a company not take that approach for a change.

SHaper, great work on all those minis man!

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Afternoon all!

I can say I have my wllet nicely tied down so it cannot escape, it heard that Gencon was this week and tried to run away, it'll have to get faster to escape me! MUAHAHAHHAA!!! Then again, it was tackled by a group of Gothic Showgirls and #21 has kindly offered to look after it down her corset, I doubt the wallet will even want to try to escape whilst being down there ;)

A Wyrd Kicksytarter? While interesting I'd rather see a company not take that approach for a change.

SHaper, great work on all those minis man!

Well there's less than 16 hours to go on the kickstarter so I'm waiting on if we get a plushie!

As for the figures I just managed to get the photos I hadn't taken in ages

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With Gencon coming up I can't aford to back any Kickstarer projects, though there are a couple out there I'd like to back if I had the cash (particularly a couple of RPG ones), but I do think there's to much of it going on these days, next thing it'll be people starting a project to buy themselves new socks :P

So then, with Gencon only days away, what are people planning to treat themselves to this year? Without a doubt I'll be snatching up a lot of the Ten Thunders faction along wit the Beckoners with a smattering of the Rail Crew if I have the funds. I must get that Miss Terious though!

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Morning squad!

How's everyone today? I'm feeling pretty good about life, which is odd considering nothing's actually changed over the weekend!

I've not managed to choose anything definite except dark debts and enough other stuff to get the Miss, I'll probably make it up if and when we get a list of release dates for everything that's at the Con. Then I can only get stuff that will get through customs and arrive before its in the stores!

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With Gencon coming up I can't aford to back any Kickstarer projects, though there are a couple out there I'd like to back if I had the cash (particularly a couple of RPG ones), but I do think there's to much of it going on these days, next thing it'll be people starting a project to buy themselves new socks :P

So then, with Gencon only days away, what are people planning to treat themselves to this year? Without a doubt I'll be snatching up a lot of the Ten Thunders faction along wit the Beckoners with a smattering of the Rail Crew if I have the funds. I must get that Miss Terious though!

Pretty much the same shopping list as me Path!

And anyone interested in contributing to my kickstarter...I fancy some new socks..

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