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Hey Fell, welcome back!

Are you enjoying the work? For all that it's stressful.

---------- Post added at 05:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 PM ----------

Ooooo...Dust, those models are gorgeous. Might have to find an excuse to pick them up.

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Yawn, I love these days off. No work, just painting and mucking about. And eating biscuits.

So do you get to pick only the good looking ones to photo Fell, or have you had a few that make you flinch when you look through the camera?

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...and with that, the thread is dead again.

I want to get a set of these and use them with Rasputina's crew somehow- maybe put them on 40mm bases and use them as Blessed proxies for now:


They'd also be good stand-ins for regular old Ice Gamin.

Dark Age itself is a load of fun too.

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Morning Chocobo!

...isn't that some form of cannibalism? And what would Abs say?

Don't be silly Chocobo arn't made of chocolate

*Stuff his face into an egg only for it to get stuck*

---------- Post added at 11:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 AM ----------

AB's wouldn't mind

*Hides the label saying Abolution Black on the egg*

---------- Post added at 11:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 AM ----------

AB's wouldn't mind

*Hides the label saying Abolution Black on the egg*

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Afternoon all!

I have managed to drag myself away form the bed and killing Necromorophs and/or beating other things like (like thousands of defenseless zombies) to grace you with my presence :)

---------- Post added at 12:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 PM ----------

Rogue Trader on Friday was fun, Isenbard the Tech Priest sacrificed himself than serve under the Black Legion, but before that we got boarded by the Adeptus Arbites and the real Zach (our late Rogue Trader who recently died and turned into a Chaos Gribbly which I flamed to prove I'm loyal to the Imperium though I'm really a Apostate of Slaanesh) and we got banged up, such a good thing I managed to charm the guards into releasing us and giving us safe passage to the planet below where we met said Black Legion champion. Needless to say we've gone way off the plot and the GM is having to write stuff up for us to go through next time.

Drusilla (my character) has the hots for the BL marine (he's big, muscular and she wants to know what he's like between the sheets so is very eager to please, heh), Chu-Kin the Kroot is going where the possibility of money and food is, Vespa is reluctantly serving, but she'll also come around to how she's now on the right side ;)

Oh, and Drusilla already has plans for rebuilding the cult she had on the late Imperial Falconus (the Arbites blew it up after our escape) thanks to massive Fellowship bonuses due to Face of Slaanesh and the Serpents' Tongue abilities. Basically she turns on the charm and people regardless of gender go "hur hur, ur purdy" and just do as she says :)

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Woah. Thread killed hardcore. Well done, Dust. Where is everyone this week? Fell comes back and the UKers all disappear. Some sort of massive power outage out there?

What can I say? It's a gift :-/

I once came up with an experience point chart for killing chat rooms. By that standard I've gained at least 100 XP here lately.

I'm looking for write-ups on how Dark Age plays. I'm pretty much sold on the Hailkin models. I better enjoy the down time while it lasts, work's going to be insane soon enough...

I hope everyone who's working has a good day, and you lucky folks who aren't are enjoying your holiday.

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~Notices all of the Gothic Showgirls lounging around the thread looking bloated and having loosened their corsets~

Sorry Chocobo, I think the girls beat you to them all this year. Then again, it was also their task to hide them, I just think they decided to hide them inside their stomachs...

---------- Post added at 03:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

Currently looking for things to make my Malifaux Graveyard terrain, I know I want GWs Garden of Morr (will change the statue though) and Renedra Gravestones, just need to find some trees (since I'm to lazy to make my own).

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Uh yeah... was that the egg in the foil wrapper covered in skulls and crossbones? They indeed left that one on purpose for the fact it may have been poisoned and left out for a certain Gremlin to eat ;)

At least I got my eggs, but you can have one Chocobo since I can't eat 4 of them to myself, that would take a month at the very least!

~Hands you a big chocolate egg wrapped in piraty foil~

I like pirate things :P

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Sketch, Hatchet, you insidious fiends...I'm reading up on Dark Age and it plays sort of like Warzone. Looks like I better find some way to get a demo soon.

Also considering Mercs and now I'm reading about Saga, which must be doing something right as it's the first historical-type game I've found interesting.

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Uh yeah... was that the egg in the foil wrapper covered in skulls and crossbones? They indeed left that one on purpose for the fact it may have been poisoned and left out for a certain Gremlin to eat ;)

At least I got my eggs, but you can have one Chocobo since I can't eat 4 of them to myself, that would take a month at the very least!

~Hands you a big chocolate egg wrapped in piraty foil~

I like pirate things :P


*Smashes the egg open and chocolate coins pour out of the egg*


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Dust, I've been using the Dark Age models in other games for years, but never looked at the game itself, lol.

Chocobo, I like pirate things! :) Plus chocolate coins means more chocolate for you!

Right then, time to head off and kill this thread deader than dead (unless there's a dead hooker about, then it'll just be killed to undead status) for now.

Take care ladies and gents until our paths cross again ;)

~Packs up, fills a barrel of Hobgoblin from the Ale Monolith and has the girls carry it out on a small wagon, as we go off on a binge in a store room at the back of The Star~

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