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Off Topic Playground

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Morning everyone! How's everyone doing?

I played my first game in a fixed faction league last night, and it was against the Neverborn player that beat me in the last tournament.  He brought Collodi again, with one minor change to the list.  This time instead of Shenlong, I took Mei Feng and Co, and completely redeemed myself from the last time I played against Collodi.  Granted, I totally top-decked on a couple of damage reduction flips (Collodi shot her twice for 3 and 4 damage, and I flipped mod and severe on damage preventions), but after turn 2, it was pretty obvious where the game was going.  Handily won the game 10-1. :D


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I actually do like the idea of Corbyn, I don't know why I'm waking up with his face in my head 4 times a night. At least it's not as bad as a few weeks ago where I had a strange vladimir putin baba yaga nightmare where I actually woke up screaming.

At least you don't have Donald Trump ;)


This is the image that goes through my head when I hear that though:


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