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eesh, just checked FW out..looks like I need the Tempest book (book 5) ..£72!!  as it details the Ultramarines and Calth..

Might hold back a while lol..

Or see if anyone sticks a pdf on t'internet *Whistles*

And a basic 10 man Tactical squad in Mk4 armour (the bestest) is £61.00  .  Would definitely have to be a slow burner that one..a squad every couple of months!


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And a basic 10 man Tactical squad in Mk4 armour (the bestest) is £61.00  .  Would definitely have to be a slow burner that one..a squad every couple of months!


This right here is why I've been distancing myself from GW... I understand how capitalism works, and the need to make more and more money, but it comes to a point where it stops being practical for some consumers.  I'll probably hold onto all of my Ultramarines stuff, but until there's something that really brings my attention back to the game, I doubt I'll be going back anytime soon.

At least they all look nice in my display case... :P

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Its just been a bad day!  It started out with some random caller telling me to be sure to have some test or another to check for ovarian cancer because his wife had died from it... without me having told him about my own cancer.  Apparently he tells this to all the women he talks to.  So anyway, yeah big old cancer reminder first thing this morning, and then the calls have been hell.  I've been on hold to reach another department for over half an hour right now.  We have a ton of calls coming in, people are frustrated, I keep getting stuff I haven't been trained about... and normally I have saturdays off, but I have to work tomorrow.

I just want it to be Sunday!  :(

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Its just been a bad day!  It started out with some random caller telling me to be sure to have some test or another to check for ovarian cancer because his wife had died from it... without me having told him about my own cancer.  Apparently he tells this to all the women he talks to.  So anyway, yeah big old cancer reminder first thing this morning, and then the calls have been hell.  I've been on hold to reach another department for over half an hour right now.  We have a ton of calls coming in, people are frustrated, I keep getting stuff I haven't been trained about... and normally I have saturdays off, but I have to work tomorrow.

I just want it to be Sunday!  :(

*panda hugs*

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There is no option to hire 2 Masters... except one specific story encounter. It was possible in 1.5, but not in 2E.

Of course, do as you want also applies. Nathan won't come to your house and arrest you for not following rules.

he would have trouble finding it lol! And getting past the guard sheep.

I thought it was a case of do as you please though I can see some master pair ups could be difficult for opponents.

Right, my friend and I thought we may try it one day. I will be taking gremlins (somer and Ophelia as they are fully built!). He will likely take outcasts as von schill and viks. Might be one sided depending on the models or quite even. The fun will be finding out!

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