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Eh, coping.. 

Did you get the plastic Kaeris already? ;) 

Well at least it's not worse than coping. :)

No not yet mate, I've been focusing on my Cryx for a Warmahordes Journeyman League. She's my next Malifaux purchase. I'll probably pick her up next weekend at which point I shall PM you for your address. I spent a fair bit on GenCon and can't really justify replacing Kaeris just yet, especially whilst I'm having with fun Leve (FINALLY!!!), Jack Daw and The Crossroads Seven (They are epic!)

Beastmachine. Hisssssss

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Haha no rush mate. :D did you sign up for Nythera? Also do you have time for vassal any time soon? 

Sure did, notice my spangly Outcasts badge ;) 

I'm off work all next week so i'm sure I can fit something in.

Eh, coping.. 

Did you get the plastic Kaeris already? ;) 

Well at least it's not worse than coping. :)

No not yet mate, I've been focusing on my Cryx for a Warmahordes Journeyman League. She's my next Malifaux purchase. I'll probably pick her up next weekend at which point I shall PM you for your address. I spent a fair bit on GenCon and can't really justify replacing Kaeris just yet, especially whilst I'm having with fun Leve (FINALLY!!!), Jack Daw and The Crossroads Seven (They are epic!)

Beastmachine. Hisssssss

It's fun! I enjoy the system although I'd never play it at a tournament level. WMH power gamers are idiots, just like Page 5 of their rule book says you have to be.... dicks....

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Haha no rush mate. :D did you sign up for Nythera? Also do you have time for vassal any time soon? 

Sure did, notice my spangly Outcasts badge ;) 

I'm off work all next week so i'm sure I can fit something in.

Eh, coping.. 

Did you get the plastic Kaeris already? ;) 

Well at least it's not worse than coping. :)

No not yet mate, I've been focusing on my Cryx for a Warmahordes Journeyman League. She's my next Malifaux purchase. I'll probably pick her up next weekend at which point I shall PM you for your address. I spent a fair bit on GenCon and can't really justify replacing Kaeris just yet, especially whilst I'm having with fun Leve (FINALLY!!!), Jack Daw and The Crossroads Seven (They are epic!)

Beastmachine. Hisssssss

It's fun! I enjoy the system although I'd never play it at a tournament level. WMH power gamers are idiots, just like Page 5 of their rule book says you have to be.... dicks....

It has some serious flaws (one of which is the players) The official forums are outright hostile to casual players, for instance.

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He just doesn't seem that bothered in getting the new releases in. Maybe I am now the only one who buys the stuff now, who knows?

I asked him about the new book and starter sets and he wasn't planning to get any in unless it was a customer order. And then he also said he wouldn't be ordering until the end of the month anyway.

I despair.  :)

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Haha no rush mate. :D did you sign up for Nythera? Also do you have time for vassal any time soon? 

Sure did, notice my spangly Outcasts badge ;) 

I'm off work all next week so i'm sure I can fit something in.

Eh, coping.. 

Did you get the plastic Kaeris already? ;) 

Well at least it's not worse than coping. :)

No not yet mate, I've been focusing on my Cryx for a Warmahordes Journeyman League. She's my next Malifaux purchase. I'll probably pick her up next weekend at which point I shall PM you for your address. I spent a fair bit on GenCon and can't really justify replacing Kaeris just yet, especially whilst I'm having with fun Leve (FINALLY!!!), Jack Daw and The Crossroads Seven (They are epic!)

Beastmachine. Hisssssss

It's fun! I enjoy the system although I'd never play it at a tournament level. WMH power gamers are idiots, just like Page 5 of their rule book says you have to be.... dicks....

It has some serious flaws (one of which is the players) The official forums are outright hostile to casual players, for instance.

They can be although that's not been my experience with my limited time on their forums

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What is this page 5 thing? 

In essence Page 5 of the Warmachine and Hordes rule books basically says play like a total arse hole, be a dick, don't hold back, smash everyone and everything all the time. (Paraphrasing). 

OK after re-reading it it's not quite that bad, the problem is people choose to ignore Point 5 of the page and just play like dicks. Here' take a look. I took this screenshot from the free version of the rules they released a short while ago. 


Edited by MasterDisaster
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Yeah, anyone who takes page five seriously, but especially those who ignore point five are people I have problems with. Unfortunately, that's an attitude that I've seen in many games, it's just a bit of stupid where PP putting that in writing a lot of those jackasses get attracted to what is otherwise a fun game. Not without flaws, but no game is perfect.


Anyway...how goes folks?

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Also people who ignore the "win graciously" part of page five are beneath my contempt. I know many players who are sore winners, and even worse losers. They'll always lament the fact that they didn't table you without losing models despite their "perfect plan". Granted, I've seen more of those in GW than PP games.

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Yeah, anyone who takes page five seriously, but especially those who ignore point five are people I have problems with. Unfortunately, that's an attitude that I've seen in many games, it's just a bit of stupid where PP putting that in writing a lot of those jackasses get attracted to what is otherwise a fun game. Not without flaws, but no game is perfect.


Anyway...how goes folks?

Also people who ignore the "win graciously" part of page five are beneath my contempt. I know many players who are sore winners, and even worse losers. They'll always lament the fact that they didn't table you without losing models despite their "perfect plan". Granted, I've seen more of those in GW than PP games.

Couldn't have put it better myself! I'm good thanks Edo. How are you?

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Huh.. The way I read that is don't be a dick? D

That's basically what it is supposed to say but it doesn't stop certain gamers from being cheesy netlisting wankers who use Page 5 as justification for acting like a petulant child. When I first saw it I thought it was a joke and a bit of a laugh but it turns out there are people who actually take it pretty seriously (bar points 4 and 5 naturally) 

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Hey CJ


Usually I'll see the game through to the bitter end. Even if I can't win I can still deny some points from my opponent making my loss not quite so bad. I prefer to see it to the end. If my opponent wishes to concede though I'll just figure out my moves to see how many VP I could have scored and go with that. 

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I only concede when I really, really can't win anymore. I have snatched some hard-fought victories from the jaws of defeat. (And in one case, when my enemy snatched defeat from the jaws of victory). Or, of course, when the game has become tediously boring.


But I usually just tell Benshin what he is thinking as he thinks it. I'm not a bad loser, but I see strategy like no one's business :)

The funny thing is sometimes he narrates my strategy before I've even had a chance to think of it sometimes. :P 

I've conceded and had games conceded by my opponents' before.  One particular time that comes to mind is the last tournament I played it when someone conceded on Turn 1 to me.  I've never felt so bad assassinating a Master as I did then... And it was my first time facing Sonnia, no less...

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