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I am 28 years old and in 10 days start school where my schoolmates are going to be 10 years younger than I am. Today I received an email from the principal saying that I am legally obligated to change my Facebook cover photo to this picture.

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How so?


We don't have any no-fault. So  even though we were both unhappy since she's the petitioner I have to appear as the sum of the earth. It got a bit tense so I suggested that she put that I was a Sheep-fornicating cultist on the updated form.


Plus side: no kids, happiness, FREEEEDOOM!

Negative side: it's taking forever, stress, costs money

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I am 28 years old and in 10 days start school where my schoolmates are going to be 10 years younger than I am. Today I received an email from the principal saying that I am legally obligated to change my Facebook cover photo to this picture.


My brother had to do a similar thing. It was equal parts sad and hilarious.


We don't have any no-fault. So  even though we were both unhappy since she's the petitioner I have to appear as the sum of the earth. It got a bit tense so I suggested that she put that I was a Sheep-fornicating cultist on the updated form.


Plus side: no kids, happiness, FREEEEDOOM!

Negative side: it's taking forever, stress, costs money


Why can't two people just decide "Well, we don't love us, time to go different paths"? Why is there any incentive to stay together?


Wow, quiet morning-slash-afternoon


I'm working. Sorry for being absent.

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1. I know a few couples that decided that... one couple managed to remain good friends out of it.


2. Nah, it's cool. It's just... quiet... which for us is unnerving and scary. 


ad 1. Exactly. Not loving a person anymore doesn't mean I hate his/her guts now. It's not the same thing.


ad 2. On the plus side, my game design works pretty well. Have the character concepts worked out. Now for mission genesis and balance....

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Why can't two people just decide "Well, we don't love us, time to go different paths"? Why is there any incentive to stay together?


Because UK marraige is tied into archaic principles that tie into the still existent class system. Essentially the divorcer maintained good public standing whereas the divorcee is a shameless harlot/cad

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Because UK marraige is tied into archaic principles that tie into the still existent class system. Essentially the divorcer maintained good public standing whereas the divorcee is a shameless harlot/cad



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So, from the other thread, and seeking to avoid the eyes of the Mods... I give you my prototype house rule for jumping terrain


Tactical Action


(2) Jump - This action may only be taken by a model that is currently on Ht 3 or greater terrain. The model immediately chooses one of the following:

     a. Push this model up to its Wk in any horizontal direction. The model must end this push on terrain with a Ht equal to its starting point. 

     b. Push this model its full Wk vertically down from the edge of the terrain it is currently standing on, ignoring the penalty for climbable terrain.


     If, at the end of the push, this model would not end its Jump movement on terrain, it is treated as having fallen per normal rules. 

So could a model not jump from Ht3 to Ht2 Terrain without taking falling damage?

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