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Man I'm glad I'm not dating.  I wouldn't want to have to deal with that drama.


I've only ever dated one guy that I didn't marry, and we're still friends.  I guess thats pretty lucky.


Everyone else in my life has only been hookups.  :P

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Is it safe to assume that you're single now if you've been deleted from facebook and blocked in whatsapp? :D


I'd make that assumption. Bit low, but what can you do?*


*Go for ALL THE RANDOM HOOKUPS! That's what you can do :)


Morning, all!

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What CJ does in that situation: asks for number of her friend. Never serious, I just never let a golden opportunity to go "nuclear option" on someone who couldn't be bothered to handle it like an adult


Good call. Childishness like that is a pet peeve of mine. Totally deserving of any nuclear-type option. I've had several breakups in my life. I'm good friends with all of the ones that have treated me (and me them) like adults when we did break up. One or two were not so adult-like, and that's when the scorched earth policy comes out to play.

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There are more like that. The Samurai and Ronin both have the same Daito, but the Samurai has Ml 6, and a Critical Strike trigger, while the Ronin has Ml 5 :mask with a :mask trigger for push. Same name just means that it has the same effect. 


Look at leap, and you get a huge range of different Ca values, demonstarting how good the person is at doing it. A weapon will come with the same daamge profile (Or a spell with the same target number) but different models have varying skill levels with that weapon.

Likewise, Triggers are based on the models skills, so may vary.

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