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That's how they get you. 


"Why are there so many consonants?"


"It's to f**K with foreigners like you."

I went into a Fish n Chip shop last time I was in Wales and it was like walking into Tubbs and Edwards shop in League of Gentlemen 

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I could never tell if the travelers in Snatch were Irish, Welsh, or something else deliberately made up just to further confuse people.

Yeah they're real as well, there are two types of Gypsies. Irish decendants (ala Snatch) and Romany/Roma Gypsies  

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Good news on the local gaming front, though. About 6 people are interested in running campaign for Malifaux, and the Henchman is waiting for his copy of Shifting Loyalties before he sets it up. Looks like I have a reason to leave the apartment now :)

Sounds decent, hope it works out for you and the others dont bail

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Yeah they're real as well, there are two types of Gypsies. Irish decendants (ala Snatch) and Romany/Roma Gypsies  


I just figured they deliberately trumped up their accents even beyond the norm, just to help run their game. No one wants to be the person who says "I can't understand a single word you just said."


Good news on the local gaming front, though. About 6 people are interested in running campaign for Malifaux, and the Henchman is waiting for his copy of Shifting Loyalties before he sets it up. Looks like I have a reason to leave the apartment now :)


The big bright thing in the sky is the sun, by the way. It's supposed to be there even though it's annoying ;)

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Does anybody, please, know if the Monday Preview is going to be late this week or there is not going to be one at all because of GenCon and all those other previews we got last week? Maybe you have read something on A Wyrd Place Facebook group or in chat or...

Thank you in advance.

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Morning guys.

Gencon was crazy. Fun, but crazy. And I spent way too much, but part of that was the frigging parking lots upping their prices every day... Still I came home with a respectable pile of loot. Also got to demo some games, chat with folks, sit through some awesome writing seminars, hang out with Mako and bowchikawowers, and even did a couple classes of dance. All in all, an epic trip. Planning on going back 2017.

How's things in the world for everyone?

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