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Off Topic Playground

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I think I tore my left rotator cuff while working on my Malifaux City boards (board slipped out of my hand, I lunged for it...badly). Urgent care gave me prescription pain killers and told me to make an appointment with my regular doc. Building fiddly models like the Steam Trunk while hopped up on Vicodin is...interesting.

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Played the scenario from the back of the codex. Daemonkin player gets 3vp for each line of defense that he over runs. Defender gets 1vp for each unit destroyed. He overran all 3 lines. I got 8 of his units throught the game before I was overwhelmed with summond bloodthirsters

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It was easily the most fun game of 40k I have had. The codex is really well written with a good and fluffy summon mechanic and made the game really enjoyable. The best thing was thinking do I really want to kill my opponents unit to stop him getting the vp knowing that it will help him bring out another Bloodthirster

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Sounds like an idea if I decided to run the Only War RPG (aka Guardquest)... you and your regiment have to survive X days on the front of a daemonic incursion.


With a knife and a glorified flashlight...

That is pretty much how the game felt, it felt like an actual invasion of a defensive position, it helped that my friend didn't play to win by just flying a thirster or turbo boosting some bikes behind my lines and grabbing 9vps on turn 3. He wanted to systematically overrun my defensive positions a line at a time. Turn 4 was amazing though, it was at the stage where I had to counter attack or lose everything so had a glorified charge of Ultramarines into the Chaos forces, my Captain was cut down by his warlord and eventually the counter attack turned into a rout.

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So Benshin and I played one game - I lost 6-5, but I would be lying if it wasn't a damn good game. Learned how to use Zoraida without the Voodoo Doll. And the Waldgeists were clutch this time. I'd have dropped Ama No Zako for a third Illuminated though.

Also, if our Wyrd orders arrive before the tournament, Benshin will have even more Ten Inches firepower to crush his enemies with.

What that game taught me is that I need to be more aggressive with Misaki, actually. I use Disguise a lot, but then I get into the mindset of going after things. It helps that she can't be charged, but lacking that extra Attack and Damage flip is starting to show.


At any rate, Edonil was able to get all the stuff I asked him to pick up for me at Gencon (yay!), so hopefully he'll be able to get them into the mail tomorrow, and I'll have about a week to build and paint Shenlong's crew, Shadow Effigy, and the Loneswordsman.


#teamteninches :P

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