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So, the widow of the guy at work who died came to my workplace today specifically to see me.  We had never met before.  I cried pretty hard and gave her some hugs.  I guess I should go to the funeral.

Aww... (And I totally mean that in a genuine way :) )


Yes, I think you should... Clearly you had an impact on his life too. :D

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So, the widow of the guy at work who died came to my workplace today specifically to see me.  We had never met before.  I cried pretty hard and gave her some hugs.  I guess I should go to the funeral.


Wow. That is pretty impressive. That means you also had an impact in that person's life. 


Now you really need to attend that funeral. 

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Why does this 13 joke stuck? :(

Blame zFiend.


Now that Dirial is gone for the evening, guess who has to stay 4 hours late on a sweltering summer Monday evening :D

The Guild knows everything.

So, the widow of the guy at work who died came to my workplace today specifically to see me.  We had never met before.  I cried pretty hard and gave her some hugs.  I guess I should go to the funeral.

Good on you. That's pretty awesome.

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Coming home to find a large package from an online miniature vendor makes one happy. Finding the note attached to the shipping label with nothing but "<3, [Name of Wife]" A) makes one even happier, and 2) just validates my belief that I married the right person.

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Pathology report back.  Cancer unchanged.  Not willing to give up my lady parts yet.  More treatment, and another surgery in October.


Today sucks.


Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that V. Hope the treatment goes exceedingly well. *platonic-internet friend-hug*

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Huh? Weird.


I can scroll down fine to about half the page, then it gets "stuck" and I need to scroll feriously and then it can continue fine :/ It's weird.



Mine does something similar intermittently, it will randomly zoom out instead of scroll down. Cannot work out why that happens


Strangeness. Are you sure you don't press another button at that moment, like Ctrl?

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Morning everyone..just recovering from a serious bout of something over the weekend. Caused me to take yesterday off work.


I have just caught up with what I missed.


Sorry to hear the news Victoria, I hope further treatment, as shitty as it probably is, will work out for you.  Sending positive thoughts and Virtual hugs.

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