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Did you get all your ebay stuff crush?


In unrelated news but because I wanted to get it out of my head... I had a terrible dream last night. I dreamed I was part of a mass shooting with several gunmen. There was running around all over the place and trying to hide. They shot my husband and opened fire on a bunch of people. They didn't shoot me, but one of the guys was trying to saw through my neck with one of those electric carving knives, then I woke up.

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Did you get all your ebay stuff crush?


In unrelated news but because I wanted to get it out of my head... I had a terrible dream last night. I dreamed I was part of a mass shooting with several gunmen. There was running around all over the place and trying to hide. They shot my husband and opened fire on a bunch of people. They didn't shoot me, but one of the guys was trying to saw through my neck with one of those electric carving knives, then I woke up.

That is a horrific dream

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Sorry to hear about relationship troubles. I have multiple female friends who all say "bitches be crazy, yo" (Vic, I'm sure you know you're not one of the crazies, but I'll state it explicity just to be sure). Sadly they are all spoken for or are incompatible for various reasons. Sometimes I think I'd rather live alone and have a friend with benefits, if that were possible. I hate the lie that TV feeds us- that we'll always have friends that live a short walk away at most.


Those Godslayer undead legionnaires would be awesome for a Kings of War unit, but I bet they are expensive. I almost got in on Godslayer but I've backed too much as it is. I'm trying to resist Bones 3, but I will likely analyze the cost of what I actually want vs. its likely MSRP and see how that works out- if it's still cheaper I'm buying in. One awesome thing about Bones is you can toss them in a box with no worries- if I had kids they'd be my go-to for any RPG nights or what have you.


I'm trying to (finally) get my kitchen renovated, and because the costs of doing everything are revealed as we go, the girlfriend almost had a hissy fit on me about getting "ripped off." So now I have to try to see what Ikea's stuff would cost in the next few days and likely cancel our appliance orders, too. My mother has an old friend who is a contractor, so I might get the Ikea stuff and have him put it in if it's cheaper that way. One thing nice about the current estimate is that all of the measurements are done and I have them handy.


If we were to break up, I'd be incredibly tempted to put "please tell me in advance if you have any anxiety disorders" on my profile, because that makes things so much harder than they have to be.

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Morning everyone! How was everyone's weekend?


My day's already off to a slow start, and for the first time in forever, I got an iced coffee. So not all that bad. :P


Got my Sonnia crew delivered over the weekend (yay!) and her Avatar should be arriving today. Also expecting Perdita's avatar to arrive soon (double yay!).

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If we were to break up, I'd be incredibly tempted to put "please tell me in advance if you have any anxiety disorders" on my profile, because that makes things so much harder than they have to be.


You'd shut out a pretty big part of the female populace. Anxiety disorders are the most common disorder, especially in females. And if I say most common, I mean it's actually very common.

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You'd shut out a pretty big part of the female populace. Anxiety disorders are the most common disorder, especially in females. And if I say most common, I mean it's actually very common.

I think most people, if not all people experience some sort of anxiety disorder in their lifetime. It's just a matter of 1) how you handle it and 2) how extreme each individual case may be. I liken it a lot to dealing with stress, even though there is a distinct difference between the two.


In any case, I know I've had my fair share of dealing with people with both of these problems, and if anything, it's just helped teach me how to strengthen my resolve, and give me a chance to improve on my communication skills. That way, I can at least say I was being as pragmatic about the situation as possible.


Me and my "Glass Half Full" personality... *lol*

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She has General Anxiety Disorder. It's not just "oh hey she gets nervous about stuff." It's "panic, red alert, we're gonna die" over a lot of stuff.


Visiting friends is a huge ordeal for her. We can't stay with my relatives when we visit them because that makes her anxious. No elevators unless they are glass. Driving over bridges that are more than ten feet high bothers her.


It's hard because I know it's legitimate sometimes, other times it feels like she's using it as an excuse, and if I question that at all, I'm a jerk.

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Its a bad idea to assume someone is using anxiety as an excuse.  We all feel things differently, and its rather insensitive as you can not read her mind.


But if you can't handle the anxiety, probably best to break it off nicely.

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Its a bad idea to assume someone is using anxiety as an excuse.  We all feel things differently, and its rather insensitive as you can not read her mind.


But if you can't handle the anxiety, probably best to break it off nicely.

I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I'm always cautious at the same time. I hate having to take what they're saying with a grain of salt, but if it helps me be objective and rationale, I need to be able to compartmentalize the emotions out of the situation. 


I know that once I start feeling bad for a person, I've lost the ability to stay unbiased.

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I was going to launch into a long rant about the whole "Bitches be crazy" thing, but I think I'll skip it. The TLDR version is that I hate the phrase - it's a hyper-efficient way to simultaneously dehumanise women and trivialise their traumatic lived experiences by wrapping them in sneering gender-essentialism. It's a catchy, flippant phrase, but do consider the mentality you're reinforcing when you deploy it.

Most women are sensible, well-adjusted people despite the harassment, abuse and constant scrutiny they experience as the normalised background to their lives, not to mention the social systems and narratives which exist purely to coerce and frighten them into controlled patterns of behaviour.

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Its a bad idea to assume someone is using anxiety as an excuse.  We all feel things differently, and its rather insensitive as you can not read her mind.


But if you can't handle the anxiety, probably best to break it off nicely.


I think I'm blaming her anxiety issues the more I think about it. Other than the thing where she wants to stay in a hotel instead of with my relatives when I visit them.


I'm also beginning to think that even if I break it off and then find someone that's a rock-steady, got-her-shit-together badass, I'd be the one with the issues ruining everything.

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