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Dresden Files RPG, two campaigns.

Two other games using the Fate system. Storyteller. 


Oh, and Divinity, Original Sin when I'm alone and noone's looking ...


I just finished Divinity! Played it with my brother, and quite liked it.


Does borderlands 2 count? :D


I meant pen&paper, but sure, computer based counts, as well. Even then, Borderlands might be a little stretch.

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It is indeed


Cool. How is that? I was playing a small Shadowrun group a short while ago, so I could get a break from GMing.


Playing a lot of Dark Eye. I'm a nWoD fan but no group at the moment. I would love to try TtB but I'm waiting for Innocence to even try it.

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Does anyone of you play RPGs? Which?


I've only recently started Pen'n'Paper stuff but I've played Iron Kingdoms and recently the Dragon Age RPG. Both are pretty good fun. Oh also some random Maid Anime RPG "The Maid RPG" I think it was called that was kinda dumb but utterly hilarious as well. Also dabbled with Dark Heresy and Inquisitor although the later isn't technically a pen and paper thing. 

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I Really love the Dresden Files / Fate core system. It's one of those systems you can explain to someone in five minutes, with crunch enough to be played pretty dice-rich, and enough story elements that it really supports a storytelling playstyle, at the same time ... 

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I've only recently started Pen'n'Paper stuff but I've played Iron Kingdoms and recently the Dragon Age RPG. Both are pretty good fun.


Oooh, I'd love to try those. Both look really promising. Now, if I only had unlimited time....


I Really love the Dresden Files / Fate core system. It's one of those systems you can explain to someone in five minutes, with crunch enough to be played pretty dice-rich, and enough story elements that it really supports a storytelling playstyle, at the same time ... 


I'm not too familiar with Fate, but it seems to use a contrary design philosophy compared to Shadowrun. I'd imagine you'd have a lot of GM fiat.

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Fate feels more like creating a story with friends than a bunch of guys desperately trying to murder their way through the opposition to get to the loot with dice =P


That's what I mean by contrary design philosophy.

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Oooh, I'd love to try those. Both look really promising. Now, if I only had unlimited time....


Iron Kingdoms uses the same system as Warmahordes and so is fairly easy to learn the basics, the character rules get a little complicated but it's great fun. Dragon Age is basically the same as the Dragon Age: Origins with a few other bits and bobs thrown in. It's really simple though which is cool. 

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Iron Kingdoms uses the same system as Warmahordes and so is fairly easy to learn the basics, the character rules get a little complicated but it's great fun. Dragon Age is basically the same as the Dragon Age: Origins with a few other bits and bobs thrown in. It's really simple though which is cool. 


I have pdf versions of both systems! Interesting ideas in there. If I only had enough people with enough time to try them.... I like how in DA you roll first and plan the attack later. Also, I like the fluff of WarmaHordes better than the miniature game, so I'd be hyped to try their game.

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