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Answer cluster bomb in 3....2....

I asked about getting just the mascots from that Raging Heroes KS for my girlfriend, but by the time I got a response I was asleep and I missed my chance.

Won't drop the money on Super Dungeon Explore unless I know I'll get at least 5 good sessions with it- too pricey. Still not sure I like Shadows of Camelot, especially the traitor mechanic. Seems like unless the traitor reveals early and plays dumb, he/she will win much of the time. Give me Pandemic or Forbidden Island.

Jury's still out on Elder Sign- either I play it with 5 or more at the LGS and we kick the monster's teeth in, or we play with 2 at home and get destroyed. It's fun but it should scale a bit better than that.

Netrunner is pretty cool. But I don't have any players in my neck of the woods. I will end up selling my starter set. Makes me sad. Its such a cool game.

People won't play a standalone card game with you? I mean, I wasn't all that keen on Dominion when I saw it but I gave it a shot anyway- it's fun, but a bit dry.

Aw, that's no fun. The Roleplaying is the point of DnD!

The only way I'll ever get my girlfriend to try an RPG again is if we play a straight up dungeon hack, and if we're going to do that we might as well buy Descent or break out my old copy of HeroQuest.

Ha ha, not quite...... yachting.

That's pronounced "mangrove-ing" by the way :-P

Do you have a local Henchman?

Luss, check the link in my sig. Says there are two Henchies in the Melbourne area...

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Luss, check the link in my sig. Says there are two Henchies in the Melbourne area...

Aw, thankyou! I actually am not from Melbourne itself. I'm a bit over an hour away actually. :(

I just put Melbourne on forums etc. because it's somewhere people recognise more-so.

I just looked at that link, WODONGA has henchmen? AND I DON'T? uuuuuugh.

That's it. New plan.

Go to Melbourne > Learn from Henchmen > Return > Become Ballarat's first Henchwoman. HUZZAH.

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I'd disagree on your view of Shadows, we find it very easy to complete without possible traitor, and need the possible presence of a Traitor to make it a challenge. With soem of the group we need to be playign the squire varient to make it a challenge as well, but thats after quitte a few palys with soem very min-max people.

I rate it as a game, better that Battlestar or lord of the Rings. I've not played Pandemic so can't compare to that.

Forbidden Island is a little different if its the one I'm thinking of. The different scenarios are interesting, btu I'm worried that they don't add enough re-playablity to it. I've not played all of them yet,, so would be happy to play more, but I'm automatically concerned abotu scenario based games that they have less lasting power

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Go for it, Luss. I'm sure you'll do fine. The only things stopping me from being a Henchman are a) time and B) lack of well painted crews (I know they don't have to be great, but I can't settle for basecoat + wash on small Crews like I will have to for large armies).

I'd disagree on your view of Shadows, we find it very easy to complete without possible traitor, and need the possible presence of a Traitor to make it a challenge. With soem of the group we need to be playign the squire varient to make it a challenge as well, but thats after quitte a few palys with soem very min-max people.

I'll be the first to admit we are newbies at the game. It just got tedious after a while because we couldn't even complete one quest (I think the best we did was eliminate some Picts and Saxons), not to mention one of the players showing us how the game was supposed to work was the traitor, so he might have been screwing with us and making it even harder for the newbs to learn how to play :( :-(

It got tedious at the end- my girlfriend's signal for "I'm bored now" is to break out a book, and she did midway into the game. She does not do this for Pandemic, Forbidden Island, or Elder Sign.

Forbidden Island is one scenario, as is Pandemic without the expansions- the setup is different every time, though, so one game of Pandemic might have the diseases distributed fairly evenly, and another might have chain outbreaks from Turn 2. Both have a faster pace and both are plenty challenging. I think Forbidden Island is one of the best co-op games for introducing non-gamers to "gamer's games" out there. Pandemic is for when they want something a little bit longer and tougher than that. Of course, if the non-gamer is a Lovecraft freak, you skip straight to Elder Sign.

Back to my game writing challenge- if I can rewrite the rules for Dwarf Wars so that they are more clear, playable, and fun, then maybe I have the stuff to go further in this business...

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*throws a bunch of baby toys at Ed and mako * not nice you two. But, then I only have a little less than 2 hours left... I can handle that so long as the munchkins continue to sleep and all I have to deal with is snack... And diapers... And cleaning up nap.... With 6 kids who have been trapped in one room all day because there's a funeral going on and we're not allowed out... Did I say I could handle this....?

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