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My weekend will mostly be spent painting. I desperately need to make some money... At least it's something I enjoy, right?

I'm dangerously desperate for money (my Gencon order symbolic of my dangerous addiction ;)), and am forced to sell off all my limited edition minis (LCB, Teddy, etc). Hardly what I enjoy doing, but it's for the greater good =[

The next 2 weeks are going to be pretty tense for me. Masters, funding, housing, all hanging in the air. Hopefully all the investments I've made (in Malifaux, Sedition Wars, EBO) become are pleasant boost to my future work and not a regretful reminder of my loose purse springs (did I say spurse?) =]

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Yes, you did say purse :P

Thankfully Kickstarter hasn't managed to take a bite out of me, whilst some of them look nice, the international shipping and other things I need to spend on is enough ti discourage me from those that I do find interesting (like 1 was a RPG book series that had a good buy in for the complete series, but the shipping cost nearly as much as the books! Forget the name of the books now though, lol).

At least I had money fora Gencon order from Wyrd, but had stopped almost all my hobby purchasing for the last couple of months to afford it (barring a purchase from Abs on here and a Avi Colette).

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That would be pretty hilarious, I wonder if ingenuity with supplies gets bonus points in things like iron painter? I mean technically, I could go out and get some brushes and paints, and probably some stuff to paint too (hell, canvas is easy to find here!). I'm just too stubborn to spend all that cash resupplying when my stuff will arrive eventually!

Plus I suppose in many ways, I'm getting on with sculpting since there's no distractions. Culd be seen as a good thing...

What's goings for everyone else?

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That does look interesting, cheers Monkey! Especially since it allows me to sculpt whatever I like...

Back from work at last, having had some dozy sod getting in my way all afternoon which meant by the time I got my samples ready, the guy analysing them had gone home. So a wasted afternoon.

Hopefully everyone else is having more luck!

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Only had a couple of kill team games so far, I miss some things like being able to Fleet and then assault, but it is fun and has ironed out quite a few of the flaws form the last couple of editions it seems. Quite enjoying it so far though.

I know Lootas are only gonna be better now with Snap Fire, who cares about needing to roll a 6 to hit when you alreeady have to roll a 5 anyway?

Highlight of the night was a Ork Stikkbomb blowing up a power fist sergeant, hahahaha.

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Good to hear! I'm eagerly awaiting the first of the new books myself, there's a lot of potential with the ruleset as is, but the first new army lists will make or break it, particularly in the department of flyers. Why GW allowed Necrons access to nine flyers in one force organization chart I'll never understand...

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LOL! After seeing the projected list of things to come out this year I am very eager to see some of it. Seems every army will be getting terrain pieces down the road! About time though, I want some things for my Orks, Daemons and Nids without converting/scratchbuilding for a change.

Try this link, shows many things meant to be out in the nearish future:


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