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Congrats! Have you got enough for a Blood Bowl team yet? Eventually I think everyone should have that many :D

~Notices Steam's chair and points to it~

He seems to have left all of his weapons behind again...

I got nightmare for the troll, four puppet teddies for bitzers, two puppet december acolytes for linemen, need somthing for a thrower, got a normal teddy for a black orc, just need three more regular teddies.

Oh and a severed NE teddy head for the ball, of cause

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One of my old bosses owned the real deal. They're still buyable on the open market here in the States. They're expensive as hell, and get grandfathered under the "no automatic weapons" laws.

I want two, with drum magazines full of magic rounds, so I can really teach LCB who the boss is.


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*jumps into thread riding Herbie*


I'm back..nice to see you all missed me! ;)

And now I am free from study for a couple of months at least...

And TEDDIES have arrived...Opened the box..5 cards, 5 bases, 6 teddies?!

Yup...I have lucked an extra teddy in my pack..lucky old me...I may use it as a special one for lily!

And speaking of mad babies..they are very peculiar individuals aren't they? Got back from my exam, picked her up to give her a cuddle, and she proceded to spend five minutes just constantly chuckling and laughing...Had the whole shop looking at me!

Was kinda cute though...

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