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Off Topic Playground

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Hey Fell! Why the moping?

Been playing GR2: Off The Record today, great fun! Not enjoyed a game this much (besides Dead Island) since originally playing DR2. The Sandbox option is fun, but my Gods some of those psychos are tough! Beware the redneck snipers!

Edited by LonelyPath
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Hey Fell! Why the moping?

Been playing GR2: Off The Record today, great fun! Not enjoyed a game this much (besides Dead Island) since originally playing DR2. The Sandbox option is fun, but my Gods some of those psychos are tough! Beware the redneck snipers!

Oi! And where the hell have you been?! :D

I wanted some advice on a 40k termie list... but your chance to be a hero is long gone... not to mention about 20pages back by now! :D

When you next pop on at the same time as me I'll repost list.

Edited by Regnak
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Morning all.. woke at 5am and couldnt get back to sleep.. :(

Watching some on demand stuff trying to get these eyes up and running, then maybe some painting. Gonna try and work some more on my neglected Rats. Got Mr Head Taker almost done.. the GD Warlord almost done and plenty that need starting! :D

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James lives there and the job prospects in Admin is really good there and around. :) better than Lincoln thats for sure. :)

Plenty of big call centres and admin branches down there...DVLA (swansea) and HMRC (cardiff) to name a couple!

Any of you tea drinkers have suggestions for herbal teas (as in not decafe but caffeine free) that wont make me sleepy? I'm gonna need a placebo...

I like raspberry and nettle, or ginger and lemon...but i have no idea if they have caffeine in or not...Twinnings make them!

I found a naturaly caffeine free tea called Roibos... thinkin' I might give that a try... Pepermint isn't bad either... I'm sure I'll find something. :)

Thanks guys... *weak watery smile*

Is that the Red Bush tea? Thats meant to be very good.... I may have tried it thinking about it, but I have tried that many teas Its hard to remember all of them!

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lol!!! okay *too my knowledge* i have

6 pairs of red shoes, 4 over 4 inches 2 flats

27 pairs of boots (9 ankle boots, 15knee high and 3 thigh highs) ( i love my boots) 20 over 2inches and 7 flats

18 pairs of high heels (over 4 inches) (mainly black but a few wacky colours, one pair have robots on the soles!!)

21 pairs of flats

12 sandals

aaaand my ballet shoes. :)

ohh and do slippers count???

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