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*walks in, head down; stops dead in her tracks, head snaps up, her nose wrinkled*

What is that gods awful smell??

*spots Orboros in his new coat*

Heh. Awesome :D

It keeps you warm in every weather. It's like .. wait for it.. a dream come true. Bwahahhahaha *canned laughter*

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I got it at the weekend. I'm just wondering how long the story mode is. How many games?

There wasn't a story mode back in the original version, you just played the campaign. I played the first 4 or 5 games of the story last night and while it is a nice way to introduce the new teams I miss levelling my team.

Havent tried story mode yet. Do you play multiple teams?

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So far you do, and you don't even have to win the game. Each game has some requirements to fulfil such as making 10 dodges. The team you get seems to change every couple of games. So in the last game I had last night I was Pro Elf vs Lizardmen and was given control for the second half. The requirements were 3 passing completions and 10 dodges.

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So far you do, and you don't even have to win the game. Each game has some requirements to fulfil such as making 10 dodges. The team you get seems to change every couple of games. So in the last game I had last night I was Pro Elf vs Lizardmen and was given control for the second half. The requirements were 3 passing completions and 10 dodges.

Ah nice like a challenge mode :)

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