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Morning. ;)

Was productive yesterday, and got a Watcher and the Hooded Rider painted. What we're you guys up to?

*Notices charred pieces of Hatchet on the floor.*

You know chocobo, there are easier ways of doing that. Next time, just ask me. ;)

Got. 40ss tourney in a few hours. Still can't decide if I wanna run Outcasts or Arcanists...

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Morning. ;)

Was productive yesterday, and got a Watcher and the Hooded Rider painted. What we're you guys up to?

*Notices charred pieces of Hatchet on the floor.*

You know chocobo, there are easier ways of doing that. Next time, just ask me. ;)

Got. 40ss tourney in a few hours. Still can't decide if I wanna run Outcasts or Arcanists...

Yeh but none of them are as funny


oh, crosstopic humor :D

pushing the 4th wall since 1989

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*The trapdoor in the corner creaks open and a dozen mindless zombies dressed in medical scrubs shamble from the darkness below. Ignoring all else, they slowly begin collecting the charred remains of Hatchethead, cradling the blistered meat in their arms as they lurch up and down the stone stair case like ants collecting crumbs at a picnic. It is a strange, smelly processional.*

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Crossing 3 threads now ^^

Hatchet the new arm fits perfect btw

*Intact amongst the bits, Hatchet's hand appears to be giving a "thumbs up", stiff with rigor mortis.*

*It is soon scooped up with the rest of the remnants, dutifully couriered to the cellar by a conga line of zombies. The last of the limping things shuffle into the dark and the trapdoor slams shut, followed immediately by a cacophony of sound; the whirring of machinery, spastic hammering, sawing and a rhythmic, piston-like thumping.*

Edited by Hatchethead
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