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yesh *points to the huge mountain of dead bodies*

foods ready pet!


*Hovers over the corpse pile like a shopper contemplating the ripeness of fruit. Grabs two of the bodies, tossing one over each shoulder.*

... this can be a bit messy. Don't want to offend any tender sensibilities.

*With dinner slung across his back, he tromps to the trapdoor. It creaks open as he approaches. Ghostly hands motion for him to enter, then vanish.*

Thanks for the vittles, Hayzel!

*Disappears into the cellar. The trapdoor slams shut.*

Edited by Hatchethead
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And I'm....Off!!

Headed to the LGS....hopefully get a chance to let my fully painted Levi crew have some dinner. Oooh, speaking of which, I need to eat some dinner too! Ended up only playing 1 game last week and the Viks were a better choice for the matchup/strategy. Hopefully this week get to run Levi.

Bummed though...just heard from a friend that the July releases will be arriving at the store TOMORROW. Argh. Don't want to make a special trip (30 minute drive) but don't really want to wait till NEXT week to get the Dead Rider either....sigh.

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#sneaks in, sees sleeping Foe, Hatchet and Hoarcats Pride. Draws funny faces on them with marker pen#

Morning Peeps! So did anyone guess Edonil's profession. I reckon he works in a toy factory making stuffed animals....

Maybe Puppet plushies!!

Either that or he is actually McMourning infiltrating our thread. But my resser sensor isn't tingling! ;)

#sniggers as he sees the pen faces again#

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