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Nice corpse counter, tried that idea myself thought the never came out so well. I just use simple blah token now :(

http://www.meeplemart.com/collections/litko-tokens/products/skull-tokens-10-red there 25mm almost perfect size. Can get them anywhere and cheap but nowhere near as nice.

Though I will borrow/ steal your idea for the TNT crates. Thx

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  • 1 month later...

Ok been far to long since i posted an update. May was a pretty much no paint month for me, just was not up to it. but June is turning out to be quite motivating :).

I recently started painting my Nicodem and some necropunks to add to my slowly growing ressers.



Slow start on nicodem, cause just as i started to paint him i decided i could not stand the arm that he comes standard with. so a little green stuff and bitz later i came up with the arm u see there. The hand is my only worry as it is larger than the one on the cane but i am curious to hear what u guys have to say about it.

Next up is my first real commission :). Its Nekima, and OMFG is this model annoying to put together. If anyone from wyrd reads this please consider putting out another model for use in game. She is an extremely nicely sculpted model, with tons of detail but i dont think i would ever want to play with her. there are so many places that i know paint will chip off from even with varnish on. and the one leg holding her up bends really easily and i am really worried it might break. If anyone has any suggestions or experience making this model stronger i would love to hear it. i have already pinned most everything on her, but i know her horns are going to problems aswell.

anyway pics,



i have mostly been working on getting her skin right, and trying to make her the most blended and smoothest paint job i have done. would be glad to hear feedback on her, and suggestions for her sword color.

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mk, so Nekima is all done would love some feedback on her :), any areas people think really need improvement? pics not the best quality but neither is my camera :*(. hopefully solved her balance problem by adding more rocks and glueing her wings to them, but i still would not want to play with her...







up next i am going to be working on Steampunk Dorothy and nicodem.

Edited by abhorsen
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hey all so i have been working hard on my dorothy model and also on my nicodem, he is still in the works but i got dorothy done.





here is a link to her


and here is a link to the other contest entries.


if u get a chance check it out vote, i think its kinda like a who ever gets the most and highest rated miniature wins so u can pretty much vote on all of them if u wish.

curious for comments and crits on her cause right now she is only rated a like a 5.4 and i am wondering what u guys think and where i should

improve for my next attempts.

well good luck to all those that entered.

Edited by abhorsen
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The skin tones need a few more layers of blending , as do the other colors . She looks great and the base is ace , But the colors are flat for a cool mini standard . I would have ranked this way higher , but the cool mini crowed like mega blended and exaggerated models . Yours has more of a historical gamers paint job than fantasy . your s is more true to life . But unless its painted super grade A true to life usually doesn't score well on cool mini .

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thanks for that :). i have been noticing that trend on coolmini aswell :). i see what you are say tho i will try and layer it up some more for the next one :). i also shied away from the eyes as i feel eyes should be softer from a distance but judging by the amount of people who painted the eyes i feel maybe i should of just ignored scale and painted them more detailed :*(. i have just recently started painting to this standard so the amount of layering can be quite daunting specially with a time limit :(. the base was also my first attempt at a plinth, tried a lot of new things on it and to be honest i think i like making plinths more than i like painting minis :9. there is something very sculptural about it. anyway thanks much for the suggestions and serious crit :).

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok so,

i finished nicodem and some necropunks recently,

nicodem with a small conversion and some greenstuff work on his arm.


and some necropunks, 3 so far but i want more!!! i am in the process of looking for alternate models for them, anyone know of any that would make good necropunks?




group shot


its also the last day to vote in the steampunk dorothy compitetions check it out if u have not already :).


and my entry


up next i think i am going to try and get bete noir painted, i am trying to come up with a really nice base for her. the one idea i keep coming back to is her exploding or coming out of a dieing thing.

cheers all, happy painting :).

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um they look fairly close to me, i took the pics in sunlight, and did not play with them much in photoshop or anything. nicodem was taken in the same light and he looks fairly normal, no?

u might be responding to how i painted them, i was trying out a lot of contrasty shadows and layering transparently.

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Often i think that sunlight seems to "bleach" a model.

If you would look in my village thread (link at the bottom) posts# 35 and 37 you will see what i mean. 35 was taken in direct sunlight, 37 in the evening shadow.

The colors in 37 are much more like the real model than in 35.

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  • 1 month later...

mmk, so been awhile since i have done much with my ressers.

but i finally got around to starting my bette noir.

i wanted to have her emerging from a freshly dead guy so i had to do quite a bit of greenstuff work. i also bent her arms into what i hope to be a less static pose.




would be glad to get some feedback on her. anything that looks off. does it look like she is in motion, and if not any ideas of ways to add some?

cheers all.

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