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What master/s have you not seen played?


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I played a Pandora game right next to you once at RIW once, doof.


In another world.. in another time... in an age of wonder...

Guess I stand corrected, thanks Bowen (now I get to go get checked out for either Amnesia or Alzheimers). I can only say that I must have been losing my game at the time (or was so traumatized that I have blocked it out of my memory).

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In another world.. in another time... in an age of wonder...

Guess I stand corrected, thanks Bowen (now I get to go get checked out for either Amnesia or Alzheimers). I can only say that I must have been losing my game at the time (or was so traumatized that I have blocked it out of my memory).


It was one of your first forays out to the great and magnificient halls of RIW and you were likely in great awe.

I remember it well because I was in awe of *you*. You were running So'mer (duh) which was unique for me to see and I knew you had done well with him at the Pandy event so I was playing my game and trying to watch yours, too.

(and I've been stalking you secretly ever since)....

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I do not recall ever playing against or seeing Sonnia played. I do not own her either (though I think I will at some point).

I have not seen Hoffman yet (obviously).

Lucius as well.

I have not faced Kirai or Molly.

I have not faced Collette. Or whoever the Arcanist Henchman is.

I have not faced the Dreamer, Zorida, or Nekima (is she the Neverborn henchman?)

Have not faced Leveticus or Von Schill.

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It was one of your first forays out to the great and magnificient halls of RIW and you were likely in great awe.

Ah, thats when it was. Seems like forever ago.

I remember it well because I was in awe of *you*. You were running So'mer (duh) which was unique for me to see and I knew you had done well with him at the Pandy event so I was playing my game and trying to watch yours, too.

(and I've been stalking you secretly ever since)....

(In best Peter Griffin voice) Help, help I need an adult.

Seriously though, that was definately a great time (both the Pandy tourney and RIW gaming). Can Hardly wait to head up to Gencon this year and catch up with you all (Jameson and Pickle shots on me). Oh and just in case I have been practicing with Som'er just in case I accidently find myself in a Malifaux tourney while there.

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Raspy is all about her blast attacks and her shattering minions. She has a solid crew selection but like Sonnia she dies quick if you engage her.(And I have never done that before.:whistle:)

Hoffman, Lucius, Molly, Kaeris, and Collide. Otherwise seen em. Though my current group is smaller than the one I ran in last summer.

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Hamlin, never seen him played, I saw someone set for a Zoradia game, but never watched the game

From book 1 masters I have never seen ramos played but I think he is the only 1. Hope to change that soon enough now I have him.

From book 2, Hamelin and Hoffman but they are still recent.

Hamelin, Hoffman, and all the Henchmen except Ophelia.

Marcus, Lilith and Hamelin.

I know - Lilith. What's that about? I should get her, if no-one else I play with will :)

We've got a fairly good spread in our group, but I have never seen Perdita, Ophelia and the new boys Hamelin and Hoffman being played.

I have never played against Nicodem either, but that should be rectified soon hopefully....

The only one I've rarely seen in action is Nicodem. I played across from him in my first game (a 4-way) but I've never seen him on the table since. I've seen every other Master in action at least twice.

I've never seen Hoffman or Hamelin in action, but being very recent releases it's not surprising.

Som'er, Hoffman, Dreamer and Hamelin

Hoffman, Hamelin

One shots: Viks, Somer, VonSchill

for me its:

hoffman, sonnia, lucius, marcus, hamelin

I haven't played or seen Raspy, Hoffman or Hamelin played. Should be seeing Hoffman and Hamelin soon. Also I am thinking of starting Raspy soon so I will be able to check her off.

Sonnia, Lady J, Leveticus, Hamelin, Seamus someone owns but hasn't played yet, Dreamer and Chompy Bits, Lucius will be played tonight if it arrives today, and Hoffman.

Not bad for a 3 person group.

^ Explains why there isn't a massive outcry over Hamelin being broken, lololololololololololol.

Now I get why it's just us in Tacoma being vocal about it, this entire forum is 90% ignorant of how OP he is.

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^ Explains why there isn't a massive outcry over Hamelin being broken, lololololololololololol.

Now I get why it's just us in Tacoma being vocal about it, this entire forum is 90% ignorant of how OP he is.

Don't worry, they fixed him. Here's a thread on it:


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Don't worry, they fixed him. Here's a thread on it:


Funny guy.

For the record, I agree Hamelin is a bit OP. And have continued to think so.

But at this point you're just confusing me, and I'm a bit irritated you had to take up half a page of quotes in an unrelated thread to point out how ignorant everyone is.

I'm sorry that offended you, it wasn't the intention, honest.

Nice way to alienate yourself there...

From people across the internet.

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I'm sorry that offended you, it wasn't the intention, honest.

Not offended, irritated. (In other words, we're cool) :)

If anything, I was irritated because I do agree Hamelin is still OP, but I think that post did not help the case any.

Also, for the record, I haven't particularly spoken out on it simply because I accept it as a matter of course that in a miniatures game something is always OP and I have no new insights to add on him in particular.

It's simply the nature of miniatures games. This isn't like a CCG where you can have crap commons. Each miniature represents something somebody spend at least 4-5 dollars on. Something the player will assemble and paint. So each one needs value. If a model comes out under powered you end up with players putting not only their money, but their time and effort into something they don't want to use. This does not encourage people to keep buying your stuff. As such, minis games usually have one or two over powered masters/armies/whatever and then a large number of mid-power masters/armies/whatever. This is opposed to something like a CCG which probably has a few lower range builds and then a larger middle.

If you couple the trend in minis games to scale up in power rather than down with the fact that "list building" and diversity are key elements to the game (as opposed to having a predetermined list like in, say, chess) balance is almost impossible to maintain.

So long as the company isn't printing models which are pointless to use, I have no real issue. Because that piece of metal I put money AND time into still has value. So, in that sense, I have FAR more issue with the Malifaux Child than I do with Hamelin the Plagued.

But that's all me rambling. Point being: I agree with you. Hamelin is good. REALLY good. Probably too good. But if it weren't him, it would be someone else. The game is still fun, and I'm not worried. So that's why you haven't heard from me.

So, yeah, not offended. :D

EDIT: Crap, I hope I don't come off as condescending. I think I tend to do that. I simply want to state why I haven't entered into the discussion yet, and why I'm not worried...I just took the long way about it...

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Not offended, irritated. (In other words, we're cool) :)

If anything, I was irritated because I do agree Hamelin is still OP, but I think that post did not help the case any.

Also, for the record, I haven't particularly spoken out on it simply because I accept it as a matter of course that in a miniatures game something is always OP and I have no new insights to add on him in particular.

It's simply the nature of miniatures games. This isn't like a CCG where you can have crap commons. Each miniature represents something somebody spend at least 4-5 dollars on. Something the player will assemble and paint. So each one needs value. If a model comes out under powered you end up with players putting not only their money, but their time and effort into something they don't want to use. This does not encourage people to keep buying your stuff. As such, minis games usually have one or two over powered masters/armies/whatever and then a large number of mid-power masters/armies/whatever. This is opposed to something like a CCG which probably has a few lower range builds and then a larger middle.

If you couple the trend in minis games to scale up in power rather than down with the fact that "list building" and diversity are key elements to the game (as opposed to having a predetermined list like in, say, chess) balance is almost impossible to maintain.

So long as the company isn't printing models which are pointless to use, I have no real issue. Because that piece of metal I put money AND time into still has value. So, in that sense, I have FAR more issue with the Malifaux Child than I do with Hamelin the Plagued.

But that's all me rambling. Point being: I agree with you. Hamelin is good. REALLY good. Probably too good. But if it weren't him, it would be someone else. The game is still fun, and I'm not worried. So that's why you haven't heard from me.

So, yeah, not offended. :D

EDIT: Crap, I hope I don't come off as condescending. I think I tend to do that. I simply want to state why I haven't entered into the discussion yet, and why I'm not worried...I just took the long way about it...

As rare as it is for me to state this, I think I just learned something important.

And I think I know my problem.

I haven't played other miniature games, I don't know what its like.

I hear about the OP lion Clan in l5r, I hear about the OP Chaos Space Marines in 40k, I hear about the Imperial guard too.

And honestly, I've played hardcore WoW, so it's always "omfgwtfbbq scissors r op rock is k - Paper" where I come from (But thank god that's over with).

I read your post and realized I had actually gotten angry over a small piece of metal (Or clay?) and raegd.

So now I feel stupid.

Although I am stupid, so I'm not sure what else I'm feeling.

I'm honestly happy people like you exist.

You're quite wonderful.

Thank you.

- - -

I guess it's inevitable that one model will just be top tier among the top tiers.

I don't think there's any avoiding it.

And there's no real way to fix it.

I suppose our best bet is to just figure his inner workings and then post our best ideas to survive.

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We're nerds with internet connections. We'll all do it, at some point. So no worries.

And you're absolutely right: keep poking and prodding and figuring out how to undo him. That in itself can be fun.

Ok, all that said, back on topic!

...still haven't seen Leveticus.

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