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Hoffman !


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Yes we def have to get in some games ( my humans where hot that game and I believe you know longer have that die that was not kind to you that whole game ) another reason I love the card system.

Yeah iam going for a more muted look for my malifaux stuff .

Hoffman pretty much done as is the watcher .





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This box was fun to paint and it was pretty fast I been busy so only oaintwd lije 30min here and there I say about 8 hours total . I still will go back later for sharper highlights and such but for now iam happy with them .

The bases on all my guild are going to get extra love once my green stuff arrives !

Funny after my guild is done show gIrls are next for me . And some ramos .

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You can! While there are some that are "Wow, a brush, hey look I can create awesome," most great painters started where you are now. Painting classes can be huge, but if you can't get any of those, try youtube, there are great resources there. And if your still having trouble, ask here. My painting has jumped incredibly in the last 6 months, because I have been asking painters like FoeRender "How?" Usually followed by "I have no idea what you just said, explain how to do what you just told me to do." I have yet to meet a painter of any skill that won't turn waterfall when asked how they did something.

And above all, like anything, practice.

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Hey thanks for thev awesome comments .

I have to agree there are plenty of techniques that can make poor or average painter turn out super sweet stuff for the table top . And its easier than you think ! Keep an write on my youtube channle I posted in general chat . Iam in the process of making a few vids to take minis from dull to awesome with some simple techniques .

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It takes practice,the determination to keep doing it,and the willingness to accept that it might get screwed up,but even if it does,a week in a bath of simple green and you can start over again,and thats assuming it is something that can't be fixed. Once you internalize that message,you will be able to experiment,and that in my opinion is half of what makes you a better painter. the other half is studying and copying those that are allready better,learning how they do what they do. There are some truly amazing painters on these boards,and yes..so far I have yet to find one that isn't willing to bend over backwards almost to explain how they do things.

and something I have found,that helped me immensely when making some of my jumps in how my models look. Having the colors you need to make it look the way you want. After you get more experienced you can mix them and match them,stir them with your magic wand and create majesty in metal and paint. But to start out...a good wide selection of colors will do wonders.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey whats up everyone , so I scratch built a mechanical attendant/tool bot to hold me over too the real ones come out .

This took about 2 hours from scrap to paint , il go back and

Add more highlights and details . Wanted him done for my campaign games tonight . We get points for fully painted on the table .






Edited by FoeRender
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