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Expanding my Malifaux crew. Which Direction?

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Hello all,

I'm currently a graduate student at the University of Illinois, and over the winter semester break I was waiting for a game of WHFB and started flipping through the Malifaux Rule book. I have to say I was instantly hooked. I since hen have gotten both the rule books and have bought and painted a Red Chapel Crew.

I've now gotten to play three full games and I have to say I have greatly enjoyed the experience. So much so that I think it is the best miniatures game I've played.

I'm thinking therefore of expending my collection, but I don't know which way to go. I've narrowed it down to three options:

Kirai: I love Japanese culture and mythology, and her hit and run style of darting around the board and swapping spirits and then snapping the seishin to her is very appealing. I also love her model. The issue is that I can see she will be a very $$$ intensive master (comparatively) and as a Graduate student in theatrical design, money is tight. Also currently her models offer no real synergy or advantage to other Rezzer masters.

Collette: Love her Models quite a bit, and again love how fast she seems to be. I particularly love how many movement tricks can be pulled off using the coryphée and Cassandra. The issue is that while I like to play casual games quite a bit, I am at heart a very competitive player. Given that at official tournaments you declare Faction first and then assemble the crew I’m a little leery of leaving the Rezzer model line, since I have no real interest in any other Arcanist models or Crews.

Wait for Molly: It will be a number of months yet till Molly releases, and I’m awaiting her anxiously. The possible advantages of course are that if additional Belle models are created they will offer additional synergy with my existing Master, and the models I currently own will most likely be able to find a home with her while remaining in the rezzer line. Disadvantages obviously that except for a few people who can’t speak about it there is no real certainty in how Molly’s Crew will play, and it will be a number of months before there is any information about them.

Currently my Crew consists of:

The Seamus Boxed Set

The Copycat Killer

Bete Noir

And two Hollow Waifs converted into additional Rotten Belles.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Kirai, mainly because she is out now & in a brawl you can use her with Seamus. Molly isn't up until at least August or September. Also having a mix of spirits & undead can be very useful given you have both masters in the field.

Edited by Dorian
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It seems like Kirai is the way to go. Both Kirai and COllete are capable Masters although as you say, you'll value having more than one Resser Master in some tournament formats.

It's probably inevitable that you'll get Molly, but she's still at least 4-5 months off so you've got plenty of time to work on Kirai. ;)

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If you think you'll be playing Tournaments, then I would definitely go with Kirai to have the versatility in the Tournament field. From what I've seen, both Colette and Kirai have somewhat similar playstyles, at least in terms of lots of movement tricks, and 'finesse' style playing, as opposed to Seamus' pretty straight forward Lure and smash policy.

Sure, Kirai's crew might be a bit more expensive model wise, but I figure if you go with her first, you'll be ready to buy more pieces by the time Molly comes out anyways. ;)

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I suggest Colette. As already mentioned they both have great movement potential. But Colette is light on the pocket book!

I'm in the middle of painting a Kirai crew and it's adding up fast. The fig count is more than I expected when I first started painting the Kirai box.

Now... when I finally get them all done and start playing I might be singing a different tune! So take what I say with a grain of salt!

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