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Lady J Help


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Hey Im completly new to this game, i havnt even played a game yet, but my freind said it was fun and ive decided to get the Lady Justice starter box. Ive been looking through the forums a bit and i see alot of people feild ortega's with Lady J, but i just dont want to for some reason. Ive also seen Hoffmans new stuff, like the mechanical assistant and was wondering if feilding them with her would be a good idea. Any suggestions are welcome and feel free to mention unorthadox stuff too, id like to try to make a unique crew

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Good choice on the crew to start with. If you are interested I have been trying ideas for a LAdy J crew too. Some suggestions have been made in this thread, though if you have already been looking through the forums, you might have already seen it!:


You may find it interesting! I'm sure others will be along soon to give more sagely advice.

Hoffman's crew sound like an interesting mix with Lady J. I'd be interested too if anyone has some suggestions on this.

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Well for one the mechanical Assistant is Hoffman's totem and can't be taken with Lady J, But other then that the new constructs are rather nice. I myself, as a Sonnia player, take watchers for deck manipulation. But some of the other constructs would probably work well. I know Executioners are a good choice for her and a very popular additive.

Also don't let the fact that not wanting to take something without actually trying them stop your choices. The Ortega's bring a big versatility to an otherwise melee-centric crew. Yea the Marshals have guns, but the Ortega's are all about it. I would say at least be willing to give them a try before disregarding them completely. This game is all about options, and since we can take our entire faction into consideration when picking one, its best to consider all the possibilities. Plus as Nino its fun to get 8 shots in one turn (and yes I have done it before XD)

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My suggestion would be to get the starter box, and play it a few times. Then you have a feel for what you are wanting in the crew.

Fancy more smash them in the face then getting the executioner is a nice choice.

More range, then Austringers or ryle, or some of those ortegas (typically Nino)

Something to deal with magic, get some stalkers.

Something big and fast, buy a peacekeeper.

Sacrifical minions- Guards and stalkers make a nice choice, as can watchers or guild hounds (Not yet released)

In my opinion, the best thing about the guild is that it all works well together. No one has models they must go with, and whilst there are some synergies between models, there is no "you have picked X, you must pick Y". They also cover most options, and can handle any other group.


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My suggestion would be to get the starter box, and play it a few times. Then you have a feel for what you are wanting in the crew.

In my opinion, the best thing about the guild is that it all works well together. No one has models they must go with, and whilst there are some synergies between models, there is no "you have picked X, you must pick Y". They also cover most options, and can handle any other group.

Totally agree. Play a few games with LJ, figure out your play style, then add to the crew. The guild is a good faction for building crazy crews that can cover most of the bases.

I would also run the Ortegas (Perdita) or the Witch Hunters (Criid) as box sets before you start mixing and matching. It'll give you a chance to learn the strengths (and weaknesses) of each of the crews.

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Lady J is an absolute danger when in close combat. She can finish off just about anything (that she can hit, Lilith and Perdita offer her a particular challenge). The problem arises when she can't. Her low Df and lack of damage mitigation mean you'll be spending your stones keeping her alive if she gets into charging range. That's a poor, lazy solution to her problem. Instead, I recommend adding a Guardian. You can keep it close to her, giving her an armor bonus, or you can send it in first, and have have Lady Justice finish off whatever its pinning down.

Do keep her Death Marshals, for they are amazing figures for just 4 stones. Hard to Wound, Slow to Die, Critical Strike, Pine Box... these are excellent tools.

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Lady Justice is a pretty powerful gal. She lacks a lot of things as has been pointed out already, namely she has a poor defense and poor casting/spells.

The key is to keep her out of harm's way until she can hit - and she hits hard. However, even this must be eloquently timed and backed up with good cards/soul stones in case you find yourself in a bad situation once the particular fight is over. You don't want Lady J standing alone after her victory. If you can manage for her to be the last figure to activate, you won't have to face any retaliation that turn from a bunch of enemies.

That said, you want soulstones. I use as many soulstones as I need to to make sure my defense flips are higher than whatever they throw at her, so she isn't wounded. Therefore I would leave 4ss on top of her regular 4. This way you'll get the most out of your master.

As for additions, I am not very fond myself themewise of these constructs. For me, her death marshals ought to be fielded simply because they look great, but they'll also provide you a fair amount of options, like pineboxing, for their point value.

I love to take the executioner also. First of all he's an awesome model and second, he'll attract lots of attention (and fire) because of his sheer size. You get the point, he'll draw fire away from Lady J! If you are lacking firepower, you might want to add either Nino (Ortega crew) or Samael (Sonnia's crew), or just keep judge in the set.

Enjoy your first games!!

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Executioner with Lady J has worked best when a marshal buried him. He is a suburb model I don't like to bring him for bullseye effect since he rarely make it back. You want a better bullseye that can have a chance at filling other roles bring Ryle or a peacekeeper.

As for defense, it is low but her riposte trigger scares a many minions from hitting in melee. It is best to keep mind her weakness in defense is not in melee but non-melee attacks. I prefer to use the ss for damage prevention against attack flips I don't have a good chance of beating. Her 12 wounds go a long way.

The only problem with the guardian is it slows her down and she can barely afford that reduction in speed.

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Pine Box...

Pine Box is a trap.

Not once (never, ever, EVER!) have I gotten it to work.

Never. Not even once. No matter how well I planned, not matter what card I dropped (yes, even a Red Joker!).

Every single time I have cast it, I have regretted it. I wasted a VERY high card, a whole activation, and usually a marshall on it (cause he got left with his pants down).

Offensively, Pine Box = the suck. Period.

Using it to transport models may be effective, but it's knida dumb and stupid, in-game. (Seriously, you stuffed yer buddy in a box of horrors?) I suppose there's some value there, but I haven't used it, probably in main because I play the game to have fun and not power through someone.

But Pine Box isn't fun, cause it never goes off. And trying just gets tedious after awhile.

In fact, I just recently tried it again, thinking I had a perfect situation, but it failed. It just ended up pissing me off.

Death Marshals are cool. But the box is just for looks.

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To bring it back on the positive side, Death Marshals.

Do you generally prefer to Focus shots, or do you prefer to snap off two shots?

Personally, it's the latter. Focusing shot can help, but there is greater damage potential in two shots, and a high flip or a few high cards in hand can help drain out the opponent'd hand. I loved the ranged threat of a hail of lead from the marshals, especially when I get a few decent Rams in hand or on flips. Being able to crank out 4 damage on a weak is pretty saucey.

That's where having decent Rams (not having to be spectacular) comes in handy. Enough to make them blow out a higher card or face 4 damage, with another shot lined up for them either way.

When playing Justice, I like to stock up a hand with solid Rams and a couple high Masks (for riposte). Lots of answers in a hand like that.

Now if I could just get a decent draw on Scales 0 acton....

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I think we are forgetting a little something I like to call The Lawyer. This little guy can seriously mess up the opponents models making them do little to no actions thanks to furious casting. A strong way of using him I have found is on your first activation furious cast his spell to give target model hard to wound 2. Targeting Lady J, Judge, and any other model you like. Thats one activation for 3 hard to wound 2's. Very nice. Also I don't have the card on hand but I think he has casting expert so thats one additional cast of the hard to wound 2 spell which at low point games is pretty much your entire crew. You can even run two of him as he is rare 2 and not rare though idk if you need 2 I only use one but ya it's a option. :D

Edited by Tosh
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