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Alright, that does it.

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apparently demons and humans also get testy when you call them monkeys.. but all you monkeys look the same to me... All hail your Rodent Overlords.

Yeh, I never under stood that, also Chocobo's eat rats :D

#puts arm around Elril#

But you like eggs right?

I sit on them

I do like to fact Grey Knights are back, I really like the grey knights I've seen so far (even the dread Knight)

However being short on money means Malifaux wins

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I saw this model, and like the first guy, it's making me put down 40k for a while. Not because its the only thing wrong, but because its the straw that broke the camel's back.

I understand that Space Marines are the bread and butter of GW revenue... however, this is ridiculous. I had been hoping that the Dark Eldar release, that did very well, would have been something to galvanize them to keep updating older codexes that sorely need it for balancing - Tau, Necrons, and Craftworld Eldar. However, this is not proving to be the case, as instead, we get another Space Marine variation. They touted that you can take inquisitors and their retinue, but quite frankly, when you can now have an all terminator army, which you can cheap up to count as troops... why would you? Why do we not have varying rules lists for the other armies now, instead of getting a new codex per chapter of the Space Marines?

Fluff-wise also, I'm a little fed up. Space Marines are supposed to be A) Incredibly scared of new technology unless their techmarines give the go ahead, and B) The Emperor spent a lot of his reign trying to keep people away from the Eldar because he simply didn't want people to know that psychic powers EXIST. He had heavily indoctrinated into his chapters that psychics are bad, yet their Librarians have more ability choices than a Farseer. I don't want to see this army that supposedly has anti-demon, anti-psyker abilities across the board.

I just feel like 40k is now just too, too one-sided in many different ways. I'm happy they are introducing minor alien races even in this segment, but until I see a little better balance, I'm backing out. I know I won't spend several hundred making my Eldar army formidable just to get steamrolled by armies like this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would have figured it'd be the lackluster rules and game play that turn people off to GW products, especially considering all the awesome alternatives.

But yeah, when they start turning out crappy models too, it's definitely time to look elsewhere

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