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Kirai Thread


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It was actually pretty easy. Water down some white to an ink then I hit the spot where the runes would be - with brush strokes going away from the center. Keep doing that leaving more and more of the edges (just like when doing OSL) making the center almost white.

Then paint the runes on with a dark color. Highlight them, but don't go to the edges, leave a bit of the line of darker color all around - I only did a dark/medium/lite for the runes - there wasn't room for any more.

The hardest part was leaving the darker edges, it takes a steady hand. Good luck.

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Those Seishin are absolutely fantastic O_o

Great work..

( 'Edit: Well not just Seishin ALL of them are great, but thought that I had already commented on the others xD )

:( They are so tiny on my screen... Even when I try and zoom.. Damn you internetz!


Just go to the photobucket folder :) clicking the pictures should take you there xD


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Thanks a lot. I mentioned something about the characters earlier in the thread. It's really just a small brush and a very steady hand. It does take some practice, when I first started painting I wouldn't even attempt something like that.

As for the bases, yes I made them. They are bamboo skewers and string. I stained the skewers and string with some watered down paints then painted the lines on them. I cut them with a pair of dykes partially through then broke them so they would have the jagged edges. I glued them all down then cut and placed the small pieces of string. It was a bit time consuming but I made them all at the same time so I got quicker as I went.

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