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help with rasputina


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at the moment i have


3 ice gamin

1 ice golem

2 acolyte

1 wendigo

1 essence

I just got my rulebook so I'm starting to understand what I can do with my crew,

I like the acolyte so I think I will always take them, I also will take the essence, wendigo sometimes just to for fun.

I will get me a silent one or 2 but first I will focus on these rules ;) I'm not going to rush things.

I also have a question. when I use white out with rasputina, it is an obscuring ht 5 aura. but does that mean its blocking LoS? or just covering?

and what would you guys think about me adding a steamborg executioner? and switch it for the ice golem and when I do so can I use the +1 melee expert to use flurry?


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I have JUST started getting the hang of Rasputina, but once things start to click she becomes devastating!!! KEEP THE GOLEM. The best trick I have learned is get your golem near the enemy, have your essence cast the +2 armor spell, companion rasputina (link your totem first) and blast your golem... make sure you can cheat a severe (a lot of times I hang on to even a 6+ of masks to trigger over power) and your doing 5 double blast damage to enemies... 1 gets to your golem!!! Helps you get around hard to wound and high defense models!

Top things to remember I have JUST started getting the hang of:

1. ICE MIRROR (take a silent one) is your best friend. Take extra SS to make up for the -3 Ca. Your opponents wont see it coming + it extends your range plus LOS. It took me awhile before I REALLY started seeing the benefits.

2. Don't be afraid to blast your own guys. Most of them shatter for added damage... Taelor or Lady J gets close to a gamin. Use December's curse on him (hopefully triggering overpower). Even if you kill him 2 extra bonus damage to the enemy!

3.OVER POWER. I can't believe how grossly I under estimated this trigger. Save any mask 6 or higher. Cheat it in + burn a soulstone and watch an unstoppable fury of double blast December's Curse... then cast it for free again!

4. USE SS. I used to be afraid of burning soulstones, use them to win those casting duals!

5. A lot of people may not agree but I have found the mechanical rider a great addition to her crew. Whether it's tagging objectives, or helping out the fight where needed. It's early game speed is huge +later game survivability.

Last though... just one acolyte, two is mildly pointless.

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yeah i know that silent ones are great, but since i don't have the expansion yet i don't know HOW good.

now i think my DA will be nice to play with.

so lets say there are a couple of creatures that attack my golem wich is lets say 5" from my raspy (linked with a essence) i can use the essence to cast decembers touch and then use my raspy to cast 3 times decemebers curse (try to overpower a few) and cheat some severes.

now i see why you guys say raspy blasts away some models :P

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Silent Ones are hands down better than Acolytes for your basic kill 'em match. They're like mini-Tinas: 3x cast Freeze on top of increasing friendly ranges 3" and healing Frozen Hearts.

The biggest and most obvious drawback is that the crew is practically immobile. Snow Storm should help this when it's published, but for now... not so much. Consider having a different Arcanist crew available if you're ever doing tournaments and such so you can do any strategy. I use Colette for move around the board style missions, but Marcus is good for that as well.

Use Ice Pillars early in the game; they don't go away until they're broken, so you can use them to set up unnatural barriers to either guide or slow your opponents as they approach you.

And finally, know your dudes' abilities. This may seem obvious, but some of them are easy to forget. The Ice Golem has a trigger which gives slow to things it hits with ranged attacks. Bite of Winter on the Gamins and Golem will make you straight wreck unarmored units. Turn to Ice from the Silent Ones can take a charging enemey and make it a statue (this is nice for things like enemy Steamborgs and such).

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Use Ice Pillars early in the game; they don't go away until they're broken, so you can use them to set up unnatural barriers to either guide or slow your opponents as they approach you.

That's not necessarily true. The new V2 card for Raspy seems to indicate that the pillars should disappear during the Resolve Effects stage. It hasn't really been clarified by a Marshall yet though.

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i don't know where u get the idee that the pillars dissapear,,

it only says that you can cast this once per turn, but nothing that they will dissapear

The default for effects are that they go away during the Resolve Effects step at the end of the turn. Just like any other effect. It used to be that Raspy's card specifically noted that the Pillars lasted until longer than just that turn. Now the V2 card omitted that wording. So, it's somewhat ambiguous right now. A Rules Marshall has not come out and clarified it.

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Ice pillars are not an effect. They are specifically breakable terrain. The spell creates the terrain, but it isnt an effect. That would be like saying that Summoned models would go away at the end of the turn too, since they dont specifically say that they remain in play. :P

LOL Excellent point. It's weird that they didn't include the Errata wording though. That makes a lot more sense. Thanks.

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I was not aware that they had changed that - I don't have v2 cards. I took all the original errata, printed it out and taped it in my book, but don't remember there being something for Ice Pillars. I really (really really) hope they didn't change that... it's one of the best ways to funnel charging melee dudes into a killzone.

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Nothing really changed. It's just that they DIDN'T include the langauge about them lasting until the end of the encounter. Not really a big deal. Easiest way to think about it is like Tograth pointed out above.

Maybe the change was because they might not last until the end of the encounter, given that they are breakable. Otherwise people might wonder if they somehow sprang back up again after being broken, given that the effect said they last until the end of the encounter.

I think we have the capacity to be confused whatever the wording!

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Re: Ice Pillars. I think the best comparison to see intention is a comparison to Sonia Criid's flame wall. Flame wall specifically says "markers" and specifies when they go away.

(1) Flame Wall (CC: 13t/ Rst: - / Rg: 12) Place two 50mm markers touching one another at least 1” from any model. These markers are obscuring, Ht 5, hazardous (Dg 3). This spell may only be cast once per activation and lasts until the End Close Phase.

Tina's spell says bases and terrain. As terrain, it stays in play. It can be broken (breakable) and follows those rules.

(1) Ice Pillars

(CC: 10t/Rst: - /Rg: 12) Place two 50mm bases in base

contact with one another and at least 1” from any model.

These bases are Ice Pillar terrain with the following traits:

Ht 5, blocking, breakable (hardness 3), and impassible. This

spell may be cast once per Crew, per turn.

As for the original post, I strongly recommend picking up at least 1 silent one. Silent Ones enhance the capabilities of the whole crew, including your DA's. When compared to the DA's, they are far superior in most cases for enhancing your crew. I would recommend running one of each before doubling up on DA's.

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