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Puppet Deck


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Honestly me and entire group have our decks sleeved in magic the gathering sleeves...(or other cards games).looks great keeps them pristine and durable.. And can keep them in a nice plastic deck box..Recomend it for everyone..

Yuck, not my thing. I really dislike deck protectors

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I know many of the guys in our store have the Puppet deck, and yeah, it took a bit to get used to at first, but we ALL love them now, and I haven't used my standard deck probably since September.

For the issue at your LGS, I really think it's unfair for you to not allow the puppet deck. I have a normal deck too, but what if I heard about your tournament, and decided to show up to play. I might pack only the crew(s) I want to play with, and just my puppet deck, leaving my standard deck at home. That would really suck if I showed up and found out I had to shell out another $7.50 or play with someone else'e deck. Not that it's a big deal, but it's just kind of rude to not allow officially produced products, IMO.

Now, if it's an issue of keeping people from cheating....then do a deck check. Forcing people to use standard decks won't stop cheaters if they want to cheat. If it's just simply for clarity sake, then I would say to just get over it. More and more people are likely to use the Puppet deck over time. You'll probably run into people using it if you go to another LGS or if you come to GenCon, or things like that. May as well get used to it now.

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The puppet deck is certainly used as much - if not more - than the standard decks at my gaming club.

And for all the reasons already listed: durability, sensational artwork & just that special feel.

But I'd go back to my earlier point: none of us have 3 decks of it!


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The puppet deck is certainly used as much - if not more - than the standard decks at my gaming club.

And for all the reasons already listed: durability, sensational artwork & just that special feel.

But I'd go back to my earlier point: none of us have 3 decks of it!


I'm thinking of getting a second for demoing.

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Just playing the devils advocate, but if I wanted to cheat at Malifaux I'd double up on a few cards with a standard deck.

Trying to call the wrong number on a card flip is very risky regardless of which deck you use. If your opponent suspects something then all they have to do is look at top few cards of the discard pile.

So that leaves rigging your deck with additional high cards. Assuming you don't do anything daft like pull out all the 1-4's or add additional red jokers, it'd be much harder for an opponent to spot. Using the puppet deck for this would be a much greater risk, since it's much easier to recognise two Zoraida's than two 12:masks from a standard deck.

So what I'm getting at here, is that using the puppet deck rather than a standard deck would not make it easier to cheat. It might be harder for players unfamiliar with the cards to immediately recognise the flips, but I wouldn't say it facilitates cheating.

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I hate the Puppet Decks printing. The numbers are too small to read and the suits as well. It's really hard to read from across the table. My eyes aren't what they used to be...

Now before you guys go on about trust and cheating, blah blah blah let me just stop you right there. It's common courtesy to let your opponent see what you are flipping. Hell, I *WANT* my opponent to see my results as clearly as possible to remove any doubt. As Ron Reagan said "Trust but verify". I should be just as willing to have my opponent verify my results instead of them just blindly trusting me. People are fallible.

A standard printing in the Puppet Deck materials would be money. I'd buy one of each color to go with my armies.

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I believe that while the decks are sometimes hard to read, you do get used to it over time. let people use what decks they will. this is a free country, but it is very ridiculous for someone to have 3 copies of the same deck, 2 I could imagine to lend someone a deck, but just remember discrimination is against the law

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Honestly I could see owning 2 or more copies of the Puppet Deck, a couple for demos and 1 for just art purposes or whatever the Puppet Wars turns out to be.

I think the deck check is the best way to go to not offend anyone and make sure things are fair for everyone. If I were to come I would only bring a Puppet Deck as that is the only deck I bought. I also call the cards as they are flipped and display them to the side of the where ever the action is happening until it resolves if the other player doesn't mind.

I've noticed some people are saying it would be easy to catch player's cheating by checking the top few cards in their discard pile and I was wondering if this was in the FAQ as I have abstained from looking through discard piles since the rulebook said I couldn't.

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Honestly I could see owning 2 or more copies of the Puppet Deck, a couple for demos and 1 for just art purposes or whatever the Puppet Wars turns out to be.

I think the deck check is the best way to go to not offend anyone and make sure things are fair for everyone. If I were to come I would only bring a Puppet Deck as that is the only deck I bought. I also call the cards as they are flipped and display them to the side of the where ever the action is happening until it resolves if the other player doesn't mind.

I've noticed some people are saying it would be easy to catch player's cheating by checking the top few cards in their discard pile and I was wondering if this was in the FAQ as I have abstained from looking through discard piles since the rulebook said I couldn't.

No it isn't in the FAQ because game rules really never deal with cheaters. Just like how most dice based games don't tell you to weigh your opponents dice.

Generally out of respect and because I don't think my opponent would, I don't ask to check their deck at the start of the game. But if you are really worried about a cheater, just ask to see his deck at the start of the game and let him check yours. Problem pretty much solved. Now if he was cheating, you should see it and if not well it stings a bit but you at least showed it to both of you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a standard part of my game I now hand my deck to my opponent and ask him to check it. Typically they have counted the cards while flipping through it. I would suggest doing it before every game, and that's what we're starting here amongst our group. We don't do it because we don't trust each other, we do it in the sense of full disclosure. It adds MAYBE a minute to each game. I'm not sure how many rounds of this tournament you're planning, I just can't imagine that it would slow things down in a way that's unacceptable.

Most of use the Puppet Deck. We got used to them pretty quickly, especially with the faction associations. I added a red dot to the inside upper right hand corner of each of my cards, just in case.

One of my regular opponents just suggested having your opponent cut the deck before initiative flips.

Just throwing some ideas out for you.

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If you are using it in demos it is probably not the ideal situation. in a tournament I see no problem using the puppet deck, as I call out what is flipped. My standard malifaux deck became chipped and marked after about 15 games. The puppet deck does not have that issue. if you think the kid will cheat, do a deck check.

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