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Top three crews?


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Ok here is a question for you out of all the crews you have played and played against which three would you say are have given you the most Fun? These crews dont actually have to be the most powerful or anything like that but in terms of fun factor alone which three have stood out the most in your mind.

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I've had a couple that were even more fun than usual.

Lilith versus the Vics is always fun, but the other day we did Lilith and McMourning versus the Vics and Von Schill.

Lilith and the Vics have a rivalry going since the first two times we played the Vics killed Lilith in two turns or less. Last time Lilith killed both Vics, one on one. Sweet vengeance.

Zoraida versus the shooty gremlins was a lot of fun as well.

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It was one of the factions present, and the person playing had only played one game previously, which had been with McMourning. Since it was his second game ever, the first of which had just finished, we let him use the crew he had experience with it.

It wasn't really a brawl, but a 2 versus 2 team game. One of the other players just explained it as like "starcraft where a terran and a zerg player team up against two protoss".

It was for fun.

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I think Necrons and Tyranids would pair just fine, as fluffwise they are the two armies who will ultimately win over everyone else.

Not really Necrons and Tyranids are almost diametrically opposite background wise. Tyranids are a psychic race which is anathema to the Necrons and it has been noted that the Tyranid fleets make big detours to avoid Necron worlds. In some ways they are the least likely match up in the 40k universe, most other races will make compromises towards a common enemy.

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Most fun?

Pandora. Completely screws with everyone. Nothing more fun than watching Killjoy hack himself to death with his own cleaver.

Leveticus is a close second. A decrepit old lech that does his best to kill himself and returns to life though a tawdry wench. Get close and I'll poke you with my finger (and do 12 wnd in the process).

Lady Justice is fun. Sure, maybe not the most competitive but the look on your opponents face when you do the Reposte maneuver is priceless. "You did what? For how much damage?!?" <removes attacking model>

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Funnest Crew?

Well out of the 3 crews I've played so far (Rasputina, Marcus, and Kirai), I would have to say that all 3 are fun.

On the fun scale from 1 to 10, Marcus comes in at about 8.9, while Kirai sits at a steady 9.1. Rasputina is around a 8.7.

With Marcus, it's always priceless the kind of looks you'll get when you charge your opponent from up to 32" away.

With Kirai, you get to summon something almost every turn, but it's really easy to have a bad time if you don't get the suits you need. Needless to say, it's always fun to be able to walk through walls.

With Rasputina, it's fun to spring forth giant pillars of ice from beneath the ground, usually in a place that your opponents won't like. Also, it's fun for your opponents to ask how many times you're going to cast December's Curse.

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I don't mind playing against pandora at all but then again I suit up sonya creed or perdita so I could see that she doesn't really affect me as much as other crews.

One crew that I haven't had the chance to play yet but would love too is an ophelia crew led by somner just so they would be able to use the pigapolt to see if perdta still holds the best ranged moniker still (I have a feeling goblin crews are probably the best ranged crews now but I think I could givve a goblin crew a run for their money).

Also from a stand point I would like to play against a seamus crew with perdita just because they I see it is that matchup would be pretty fair to both just judging by stats/abilities.

Edited by Odin1981
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Som'er: I love Gremlins, both thematically and playstyle-wise. And now that you can actually reliably do something about above average Defense they're a lot less frustrating, too.

Colette: Just favors my kind of game and has a lot of models in her crew that are really cool to begin with.

Nicodem: Don't play him myself, but he always made me think about what to do next without ever seeming unfair.

Both of the Nicodem players I face off against regularly are really nice guys, too, so he gets bonus points for apparently attracting a classy playerbase - probably because of his top hat.

Honorable mention goes out to Zoraida for allowing a lot of experimentation.

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I have been having a ball and a half with Colette. Rasputina is powerful and I love playing with her, but getting Colette popping up everywhere and using free soulstones can just get nutty. I have Levi, and killing him every turn was fun, but everybody has figured out just to kill Waifs... so I am not having as much fun with him as I was at first... but those are my favorite three.

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I only own 3 Crews, but this is my ranking on them:

1.- Friekorps. I'm falling in love with them; they're not the most stronger for sure, but I feel they are pretty balanced and flexible enough to face most oppponents.

2.- Seamus and his RedChappel Gang. Who can't love playing with undead hookers and a crazy pimp? They're pretty competitive too.

3.- The Viktorias. Those glass hammers got a few tricks and the wide number of mercs at their service give them plenty of tactical choices. One thing's for sure: they hit hard.

From the crews I've faced and had the most fun playing I'm sure Kirai is the nº1, so much that I'm considering buying it!!

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Pandora is the trollmaster, in my opinion. I love playing her, hate playing against her, which is how she's supposed to be. With all her perceived overpowerness, she isn't great at actually achieving most objectives due to the small number of significant models she usually brings along, and her reliance on herself as the killing machine and lynchpin of her army.

I always love playing Nicodem and Kirai, not neccessarily together, because of the variety of them. The choices you get to make mid game make you more versatile than any other army out there.

My least favorite by far to play against is Rasputina. She is the most straightforward, plain old boring master to play against, and it seems like half the time I play malifaux, I wind up against her. Unfortunately, the killer snowmen (I was secretly hoping the silent one was going to be a snowman when I first heard about it) just make her range more ludicrous, and give crews more incentive to sit in the back and try to pick you off.

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Its intresting too see that a range of the crews are hitting the most fun list obviously a few a getting repeat mentions though.

I wonder if their is any truth in Ace Of Apes coments about certain crews attracting certain types of players with the most curtious playing Nicodem...

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My top three pics of crews that I like playing:

  • The Dreamer (Good mix of power, mobility, and fluff)
  • Nicodem (The slow and steady Wall O' Undead tactic appeals to me)
  • Collette (Amazing Mobility, Amazing fluff, and a fun challenge to actually run properly)

My favorite crews to play against:

  • Seamus (Because he always produces a fun, unpredictable match)
  • Perdita (Being able to survive that hail of gunfire is always epic)

My least favorite crews to play against:

  • Pandora (Win or lose, playing against her always feels like being trapped under a burning couch)
  • Sonia Criid (One lucky damage flip, and half you're crew is roasted. Not fun)
  • Viktorias (They've never posed enough of a challenge to be much fun)

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Pandora really that bad to play against? Shame I was thinking of getting her box set but as my main group of people I will be playing with numbers only three people having something thats just not fun all around is really a no no. Still love the models in the Pandora set

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