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Hello from Southampton UK


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I'm interested in trying this game as I've heard its the better of the skirmish games out there at the moment. I like the mini style and the diceless-ness has me intrigued. Some of the minis look cool too. However I have no idea about the factions or game play. Is there any demo rules or wiki or anything?

Also does anyone know of UK suppliers as the only one I know (wayland games) has a VERY limited supply

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Another UK player ? Excellent !

I haven't been playing too long, but already I am seeing more and more stockists picking the game up, so hopefully the book and mini's shouldn't be too hard to come by.

Apart from my FLGS, I get all of my stuff from here :


They are fairly cheap and generally are a joy to deal with.

I know that other people on here also use Maelstrom and Firestorm. Also I have ordered a few bits directly from Wyrd and despite the slight delay in getting things shipped over from the US, I have never had any problems that way either.

Oh, and Welcome on board !

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hi and welcome there's a few places in the uk you can get stuff from maelstrom offer some pretty good deals though their last promotion ended on the 6th so they've been stripped bare of a lot of stuff it seems (i ordered some stuff from them and now it's all order now rather than available on their website) firestorm which is my LGS stock a fair bit and have a load instock on their website pretty competitively priced (though i've still yet to be to the shop or buy anything from them) and there is also arcane miniatures in general their one of the cheaper stockists in the u.k. but maelstrom and wayland games tend to just beat them when they have a promotion on

i'm also surprised noone's mentioned the new handy rule book (sans fluffy stuff) that will be coming out next year as a cheap starting point (before you shell out £45+ on rule books) to try the games out it'll even be a free .pdf file to download admittedly not as nice as having all the glossy pictures and stories as well but it means 1 download plus 1 box set and 1 deck is all you need to start playing the game but of course if you're impatient you won't want to wait for the release (some time jan-mar??)

welcome again

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Great to see another player from Southampton. I am at uni down there but so far have not found anyone that plays malifaux down there. When I am at home in London I buy all my stuff from Dark Sphere or Wayland.

If only there was a local gaming shop in southampton then I could give you an intro game.

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Hi and welcome! Glad to have you on the forums, it looks like you have a lot of people around to answer your questions about things, so I'll leave it up to them. And yes, the miniature range is a bit more eclectic than some, but it's really because I think you'll find the Malifaux world is diverse enough, and filled with enough characters that it makes sense :)

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Hi guys... have been looking to find minis which I like best and have come up with some questions:

What are the Neverborn Lillith and NB Legion of Sorrow boxed set playstyles like?

I also like the doppleganger mini (nice on the front hideous on the back- I love it!) which is Neverborn I think. Does this compliment any of the two neverborn boxes?

Also the Ressurectionist McMourning and Kirai boxed sets like?

What doe they play like?

What additions would be good for either of the ressurectionist boxes.

Also can I mix and match across factions - Ie could I have kiri with flesh golems and nurses and lillith with stuff from the legion of sorrow?

Can factions fight the same factions? Could I have McMourning vs Kirai? (I assume yes but you never know!)

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*smiles at Phototoxin* You my friend have triggered my attention.

Lilith is very good to play with, very versatile. Where as Pandy is slightly different, but still very entertaining. It all depends what you are searching for in your game, or how you like to play.

The Doppleganger is a beautiful model im sure you will agree, and from my experience she does play well with either sets.

Yes you can mix and match, i like to play my Teddies with Lilith! (hes a magnificent creature and something you should invest in if you go for my babies)

And yep you can fight the same factions. It can be rather entertaining seeing Lady J fight Sonnia Creed! (mind you id rather kill them myself!!)*giggles*

I hope this is of help to you, :)

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Thanks hayzel! Next question : how do 'points' work in Malifaux and are there any 'army building' software.

In case this is a foreign concept (or is called something else) its when each unit/mini is worth a set cost so you can play a 10, 500 2000 point game (its all relative - a 35 pt game of warmachine is about the same as a 1000pt game of warhammer!)

Essentially if I went with Pandora/Lillith and maybe McMourning what Ressurectionist equivalents would there be for the Doppleganger (so that Neverborne+Dopple would equal McMourning+X) in order for it to be balanced?

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Every model in the game has a soulstone cost, so before the start of the game you decide how many stones that you are going to play with, much like points in Warmachine or Warhammer. Typical games in Malifaux are between 20 - 35, although you can go smaller or larger if you wish.

You have to take one master, and as such these always have a zero soulstone cost. Also some models can be summoned during the course of the game if certain conditions are met - Kirai would have to purchase a flesh construct at the start of game, however due to abilites that McMourning has, he would have the choice of purchasing it at the start of the game or summoning it for free during the game if he has the right cards and has collected certain counters.

Also as Hayzel mentioned you can mix and match within the same faction, but certain Masters also allow you to recruit from other factions. For instance Kirai can hire spirits from any faction, which includes minions from the Neverborn and Outcasts.

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  • 1 month later...

We're over in Christchurch and we've got a couple of players coming over from your direction (Totton). The club plays on a Thursday night and we've got 10-12 Malifaux players. There is also a Monday night club in Bournemouth as well. We have a complete stock of Malifaux in store - other than that you have Solent Wargames in Southsea as well:) Let me know if you want more info, Cheers, Graham = sales@simpleminiaturegames.com

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